Kashmir Cypress Cupressus cashmeriana It is a medium-sized to large coniferous tree growing to 20-45 m tall, rarely much more, with a trunk up to 3 m diameter. The foliage grows in strongly pendulous sprays of blue-green, very slender, flattened shoots. The leaves are scale-like, 1-2 mm long, up to 5 mm long on strong lead shoots; young trees up to about 5 years old have juvenile foliage with soft needle-like leaves 3-8 mm long. The seed cones are ovoid, 10-21 mm long and 10-19 mm broad, with 8-12 scales, dark green, maturing dark brown about 24 months after pollination. The cones open at maturity to shed the seed. The pollen cones are 3-5 mm long, and release pollen in early spring.