Tabebuia impetiginosa Pink trumpet tree Seeds
Tabebuia impetiginosa Pink trumpet tree Seeds
Product Description
Tabebuia impetiginosa, (Bignoniaceae) English: Pink trumpet tree, lavender trumpet tree, Ipe, Taheebo French: Poui Spanish: Pau d`arco, Ipe, Ipe roxo German: Lapachobaum, Trompetenbau
Their round clusters of showy flower trumpets may remind you of Rhododendron blossoms. Where the climate is warm enough, these trees and shrubs are a top choice for lawn or patio display. They grow fast, producing more flowers -- up to several dozen -- in each cluster as they mature. Most shed their handsome, dark, olive green leaves briefly, blooming while leafless. Some flower unpredictably throughout the year, and may need a dry dormant period to trigger blooming. Slender, dangling seedpods follow. Best in warm tropics and semi-tropics, especially in coastal areas where they resist salt spray well. Prefer full sun, deep fertile soil, and regular water, but adapt well to different situations. Hardy to 24º F. Stake young trees, training a single main shoot to 6 to 8 feet tall, then let branch freely. Grow from seeds or cuttings,