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Seeds And Smiles - Buy Top Quality Seeds With Free Worldwide Shipping

Plants of India

  1. Clitoria ternatea Linn.


Part used: Root and seeds.


Uses: Root is cooling, acrid, laxative, aphrodisiac, aphrodisiac, aperient, diuretic and as poultice in swollen joints. It is also useful in bronchitis, asthma, ascites and dropsical enlargements of abdominal viscera the root bark infusion demulcent, in irritation bladder and urethra (Ayurveda).




  1. Curcuma amada Roxb.


Part used: Rhizome.


Uses: Paste of rhizome is applied to bruises, skin diseases and itching. Its oil applied on sprains, reduce muscular swellings. It is used as one of the ingredient of Daarvi rasanjana & number of carminative and digestive Chaurans.




  1. Anacyclus prethrum DC.


Part used: Root.


Uses: It is attenuant, sialagogue and chewed as masticatory in toothache. Employed in Ayurvedic preparations such as Akarkaradivati churna, Akarkaradivati dantamanjan churan, Swetkustahar chruna and Akararadi avaleha.




  1. Ricinus communis Linn.


Part used: Root & root bark.


Uses: Used in drug formulations prescribed in amenorrhoea, asthma, neurologia, rheumatism, sciatica and skin diseases. The main preparations are Erandi mulaadi kwatha, Eranda spatak and Raasnaa panchak kwaatha.




  1. Ricinus communis Linn.


Part used: Seed.


Uses: The oil from seeds is used as purgative, in anal fistula and fissure. It is also employed in the formulations of a number of drugs used as purgative and emollient such as Laghu vis garva taila, Eranda paak and Eranda taila.




  1. Cassia fistula Linn.


Part used: Ripe fruit and fruit pulp.


Uses: The crude drug is considered very effective in abdominal pain, flatulence. The pulp is also prescribed in constipation and in the treatment of chest congestion, colic, respiratory diseases and fever. The main preparations are Aagavadhadi arishta, Aargavadhadi taila and Aargavadhadi Kwatha.




  1. Ailanthes excela Roxb.


Part used: Root and root bark.


Uses: Root and root bark febrifuge, tonic, expectorant, antiseptic, useful in chronic bronchitis, asthma and commonly used as substitute in parts of Rajasthan and Gujraat for Root bark of Oroxylum indicum Vent. (Shyonaaka) which is useful in troubles of bile, cough, diarrhoea and dysentery. The main preparations are Dasamool Arishta, Panchamoolaadi Kwatha and Shyonaaka putpaak. It is one of the Dasamool drugs of Ayruveda.




  1. Oroxylum indicum vent.


Part used: Root bark.


Uses: Root bark useful in trouble of bile, cough, dropsy, diarrhoea and dysentery. The main preparations are Dasamool arishta, Panchamoolaadi and Shyonaaka Pulpaak. It is one of the Dasmamool drugs of Ayurveda.




  1. Premna obtusifolia R. Br. ( syn. P. integrifolia Linn.)


Part used: Root and root bark


Uses: Root and Root bark useful in abdominal diseases, cough, neuralgic disorders, flatulence, liver complaints and rheumatism. The root constitute on of the Panchmoola or Dasmoola drugs of Ayurveda. The major preparations are Agnimantha Kaasya, Agnimantha mulkalka and Dasamularishta




  1. phlomoidis Linn.f.  (syn. Clerodendrun multiflorum(Brum.f.)O.Ktze


Part used: Root and root bark.


Uses: Root & root bark useful I abdominal diseases, cough, neuralgic disorders, flatulence, liver complaints and rheumatism. The roots constitute one of the Panchamoola or Dasmamoola drugs of Ayurveda. The major preparations are Agnimantha Kaasya, Agnimantha mulkalka and Dasmul arishta.




  1. Hemidesmus indicus R. Br.


     Part used: Root


Uses: Roots considered useful in loss of appetite, fever, skin diseases, leucorrhoea, syphilis and rheumatism. Major Ayurvedic drug formulations employing this crude drug are Saarivaadi avleha, Saariva avleha and Pinda taila.




  1. Garcinia pedunculata Roxb.


     Part used: Rind.


Uses: Rind is astringent of great value in diarrhoea, dysentery besides being febrifuge. It is used in the preparation of Ayurvedic drug Astanga lavan.




  1. Mangifera indica Linn.


     Part used: Kernel


Uses: Kernel powder is anthelmintic, used to check nasal bleeding, given in diarrhoea, as an astringent in bleeding piles and menorrhagia. Ayurvedic preparations are pusyanug chruna and Amranpanak.




  1. Abutilon indicum G. Don.


     Part used: Root & seeds.


               Uses: Root powder taken internally as refrigerant and its infusion in fever.




  1. Aquilaria agallocha Roxb.


     Part used: Wood and oleoresin.


          Uses: Wood is carminative, aphrodisiac and in diarrhoea & vomiting. Anessential oil, from the fungus-infected wood, used in perfumery and medicine.



  1. Linum usitatissimum Linn.


     Part used: Seed.


Uses: Linseed meal is very largely used in the form of poultice in all sort of inflammatory conditions besides gouty and rheumatic swellings. Linseed mucilage is an emollient and is droped into the eyes in irritable conditions of the conjunctiva. Linseed tea is largely used as soothing and demulcent drink in try harassing cough due to an irritated an inflamed condition of pharynx and upper part of respiratory track. Ayurvedic preparation produced form it is Atasyadi lep.




  1. Alangium salvifolium (L.f.) Wang (syn. A. lamarkii Thw., A. decapetalum Lamk, A. tomentosa Lamk.)


     Part used: Root bark, leaves and seeds.


Uses: Root barks diuretic, diaphoratic, febrifuge, alternative and is useful in relieving pyrexia. Leaves are crushed and applied in the form of a poultice to relieve rheumatic pains.


Seeds (fruits) astringent and acidic, 2 to 3 fruits swallowed daily to prevent infection.




  1. Achyranthus aspera Linn.


     Part used: Whole herb at fruiting stage and seeds


Uses: Calcinated plant power called I Apaamargakshaar is an important ingredient of drug preparation prescribed in liver and spleen disorders and also used in the cure of anal fistula and piles. The main Ayurvedic preparation form the plant is Apaamaargakhaar taila.




19.Trachyspermum roxburgianum (D.C ) Wolf.  (syn. Carum roxburgianum(Benth.) Hook.f.)


     Part used: Fruits.


Uses: Fruits employed in drug formulations prescribed in anorexia, asthma, bronchitis, flatulence and disorders of liver and spleen. The main Ayurvedic preparations are Ajmodaadi chruna and Ajmodaadi Valak.




  1. Emblica officinalls Gaertn.


     Part used: Fresh or dry fruit.


Uses: The fruits is used to promote longevity, memory, intellect and strength of the sensory and motor organs. It is useful in dyspepsia, haemorrhages, constipation, anaemia & enlarged liver. The fresh fruit is the main constituent of Chayavanpraasha- a much-acclaimed Ayurvedic tonic while dry fruit is one of the ingredient Triphala. Other major preparations form it are Brahma rayaayan, Sanjivanivati, Karaniaadi yoga, Amalkyadi & Dhaatri louga.




  1. Withania somnifera (Linn.) Dunal


     Part used: Root


Uses: Useful in consumption, debility form old age, general weakness, It is employed in the preparation of a number of Ayurvedic tonics. The main drug formulations are Ashwagandha Sasaayana, Ashwagandhaadi churna, Ashwagandharishta and Ashwagndhaghrita.




  1. Plantago ovata forsk.


    Part used: Seed. And Seed husk.


          Uses: Seed useful in gastric and duodenal ulcers.

          Husk has emollient and demulcent properties and is given I dysentery and diarrhoea. It is extensively used in the laxative formulations.




  1. Citrullus colocynthis Schrad.


Part used: Root


Uses: Root- useful in biliousness, jaundice, dropsy and inflammation of breast. It is one of the ingredients of breast and sciatica. The main preparations employing the drug are Narayan chruna ; Abhyarishta and Phalatrikyaadi kwatha.




  1. Cltrullus clolocynthis Schrad.


Part used: Root.


Uses: Root- useful in biliounsness, jaundice, dropsy and inflammation of breast. It is one of the ingredients of Narayan churna and Abhyaarishta.




  1. Holarrhena antidysentrica (Roth.) DC. (syn.:H antidysentrica Wall.)


Part used: Stem bark.


Uses: Stem bark is considered useful in dysentery, haemophilic disorders, skin diseases and loss of appetite.  Major drug formulations employing it are Kutaja arishta, Krutaja aveleha, Bhui nimbaadi chrurna, Sudarshana churna and Amritaatak kwatha.




  1. Holarrhena antidysentrica(Roth.) DC.


Part used: Seed.


Uses: Seeds are useful in dysentery, diarrhoea, intestinal worms, intermittent fever and considered to have similar properties as of stem bark, but have a milder action. The preparations employing them are Laghugangadhar churna, Amritarishta, Punarnavaa mandur and Yograaja guggulu.




  1. Wrightia tinctoria R. Br.


Part uses: Stem bark and seeds.


Uses: The bark and seeds and have the same therapeutic properties as those of Holarrhena antidysenterica and used as substitutes in Ayurvedic formulations for the genuine drug (H. antidysenterica.)




  1. Ziziphus sativa Gaertun. (syn. Vulgaris Lam.)


Part used: Fruit.


Uses: Fruits are useful in bronchial disorders, congestion of chest and blood impurities. It is extensively employed as an ingradient of expectorant of drugs of disorders of respiratory tract.




  1. Hedychuim spicatum Ham.- ex Smith


Part used: Rhizome.


Uses: Rhizome is employed in drug formulations considered useful in dyspepsia, diarrhoea, urinary & liver diseases and bronchial asthma. The main Ayurvedic preparations form it are Shatiyadi churna, Shatiyadi kwatha, Sudarshna churna and Chandraprabha vati.




  1. Solanum indicum Linn.


Part used: Root.


Uses: Useful in bronchitis, calculus affections, chronic febrile affection, colic, dysuria, cardiae weakness and urinary diseases. The major preparations are Brahatiaadi kwatha, Sudarshana churna, Dasamoolarishta, Devdaaraadi kwatha, and Satyadi kwatha. The roots constitute one of the Dasmool drugs of Ayurveda.




  1. Solanum surattense Burm. F. (syn. S. xanthocarpum Scharad & Wendl.)


Part used: Whole herb.


Uses: Herb useful in cough, asthma, chronic rhinitis, dropsy, acute bronchitis and fever accompanied with chest affections.  It is one of the main ingredient of the drug formulations for bronchial asthma especially for dislodging denaceous phlegm.  Main preparations are Kantakaari avleha, Bayagiri taila, Sudarshna churna, Chyavanprasha and Kanakaasava.




  1. Solanum surattense Burm. F. (syn. S. xanthocarpum Schrad & Wendl.)


          Part used: Root.


          Uses: Root useful in cough, bronchial asthma; pain in the chest, enlargement of liver and spleen and wide range of pulmonary conditions.  The root is one of the Dasmoola group of drugs of Ayurveda.


          It is employed in the preperation of  Dasmoolarishta, Nidigdhi kwatha, Devdaaraadi kwatha and Kantakaari ghrit.



  1. Momordica charantia Linn.


Part used: Fruit, leaves and seeds.


Uses: The fresh juice of the leaves is a very good remedy for night blindness and is applied round the orbit with black pepper. It is also very useful in burning of the soles of the feet and fresh juice of the leaves is rubbed to the soles two or three times a day.


The fruit is mild bitter, stomachic, tonic the anthelmintic. It is useful in rheumatism, gout and also diseases of liver and spleen. Fruit paste in water one spoon in empty stomach reduces blood sugar.


Seeds anthlemintic, abortifacient, stomachic and given in colic.




  1. Murraya koenigii Spreng.


Part used: Leaves.


Uses: Leaves are aromatic and eaten as condiment flavor dishes; leaf paste in water digestive, tonic, stimulant, leaves acrid, cooling, alexeteric, antihelmintic, analytgsic, cure piles; allay heat of the body, thirst, inflammation, itching; useful in leucoderma and blood disorders (Ayurveda).




  1. Casealpinia cristata Linn.


Part used: Seed.


Uses: Employed in drug formulations used for the treatment of intermittent fever, liver and splenic diseases and menstrual disorders; kernel powder is given to remove intestinal works while foxed oil is used as an embrocation to remove freckles from the face. The important preparations are Karanjaadi vait, Kuberaaksha vati and Visham jvaraantaka churna.




  1. Mallotus philippinensis (Lam.) Muel.- Arg.


Part used: Dried glands covering the fruit.


Uses: Commonly employed in drug formulations given to remove tapeworm infection in cattle and other livestock. The main preparation is Krimighaatini vatika.




  1. Cassia occidentalis Linn.


Part used Root, leaves & seeds.


Uses: The root is useful ringworm, elephantiasis and scorpion sting (Ayurveda). The root is useful in snake bite, the juice when fresh is useful in ringworm, heals wounds, cures ascites.


Leaves are tasety, aphrodiasiac, alexeteric; cure cough, hiccough, asthma, “Kapha” and “Vata”, sweetish, bitter, stomachic; cure “ Thidosa” fevers; good for sore throat and biliousness. (Ayurveda).


Seeds are used as a cure for the convulsions of children and their paste in water is externally used in cutaneous / skin diseases. The roasted seeds are excellent diuretic.




  1. Butea monosperma ( Lam.) Taub. (syn. B. frondosa Koen. Ex Roxb.)


Part used: Gum.


Uses: Gum is astringent and used as substitute for Kino with satisfactory results. The gum combined with rock salt and other astringents is used as a remedy for ptergium and opacities of the cornea.




  1. Butea monoserma (Lam.) Taub. (syn. B. frondosa Koen. Ex Roxb.)


Part used: Seed.


Uses: Considered useful in worm infestations, cure of ringworm for dispersing boils and pimples. The main preparations employing the crude drug are Palaashabijaadia churna and Palaasha kshaarghrita.




  1. Nelumbo nucifera Gaertn. (syn. Nelumbuim speciosum Willd.)


Part used: Whole plant.


Uses: Roots & stolons are bitter; cures cough and biliousness; allays thirst, and cooling to the body.


Stem is good in strangury, blood complaints, vomiting and leprosy.


Leaves are bitter, cooling, useful in burning sensation of the body, thirst, strangury piles and leprosy.


Flowers is sweet and cooling, it allays cough, thirst, blood defects, skin eruptions and symptoms of poisioning, good in fever and biliousness, beneficial to the eyes.


Anthers are cooling, approdisic, astringent, cures ulecers and sores of the mouth.


Fruit is bitter, astringent, sweet and cooling; removes thirst, blood impurities.


Seeds aphrodisiac, good astringent in diarrhoea and dysentery; useful in burning sensation of the body.


Well known Ayurvedic drug prepared from it is Sudarsan churna.




  1. Gossypium herbaceum Linn.


Part used: Root.


Uses: Root is used to procure criminal abortion. The root bark acts like Ergot upon the uterus when given in large doses. It is useful in Dysmenorrhoea and supression of the menstrul flow when caused by cold The young leaves and roots are boiled in water is used in uterine colic as a hip bath.




  1. Bauhinia variegata Linn.


Part used: Stem bark.


Uses: Employed in drug formulations considered useful in ulcers, scrofula, asthma and skin diseases. It is used to remove intestinal intestinal worms and prevent the decompsition of blood in tumours. The main preparations are Kanchanra gutika and Kanchnaraadi Kwatha.




  1. Piper cubeba Linn.f.


Part used: Fruit.


Uses: Fruits are potent germicidal and chewed to remove mouth ulcers, swollen gums. Fruit powder given in dysentery, catarrh, as antiasthmatic, sedative, carminative, useful in rheumatism, urethritis. Its essential oil in cystitis, gonorrhoea and gleet. Main preparation form it are Khadir arista and Chandanadi vait.




  1. Myrica esculenta Buch.- Ham. (syn.: M. nagi.:Hook.f.)


Part used: Stem bark.


Uses: Drug of commerce consists of bark which gives a deep red solution when soaked in water, Indicated in asthma, catarrh, cough, throat trouble, fever, headache. Induces sneezing.  The major preparations employing the drug the Katphalaadi kwatha, katphalaadi chruna, Devdaaraadi kwatha, Shirogha churna and Katphala lepa.




  1. Terminalia arjuna Wight & Arn.


Part used: Stem bark


Uses: considered useful in heart diseases, bilious affection, blood dysentery, inflammatory conditions, and in the fracture of bones. The major preparations employing this crude drug are Arjunarishta, Arvindaasava and Kakubhaadi churna.




  1. Justicia gendarussa Burm.f.


Part used: Whole plant.


Uses: The plant is useful in bronchitis, inflammations, vaginal discharges, dyspepsia, tympanitis, eye diseases, fever (Ayurveda). The leaves and tender shoots diaphoretic and given in earache. Leave infusion given internally in cephalagia, hemiplegia and facial analysis. Leave oil applied locally said to be useful in eczema.




  1. Saussurea lappa C.B Clarke


Part used: Root.


Uses: Used in asthma, bronchitis, nervous disorders, irregular menstruation, rheumatism and diseases of heart. Some of the major drug formulations employing Kushtha are Kushthaadi churna, Kushthaadi kwatha, Dasanga lepa, Pippalyaasava and Laghu vis garva taila.




  1. Desmostachya bipinnata (Stapf) Beauv.


Part used: Root and stem.


Uses: Roots is sweet, cooling, useful in thirst, asthma, jaundice, biliousness, diseases of blood (Ayruveda).


Stem diuretic and stimulant. The drug is employed in the preparations of Trinpanchmul, Kusableha and Kusadya ghrita.




  1. Alpinia galanga Willd.


Part used: Rhizome.


Uses: used in bronchits, catarrhal affections, rheumatism, palitation of heart and respiratory diseases, especially in the case of children. Kulinjanadhya avaleha is the main preparation employing the drug.




  1. Picrorhiza kurroab Royle ex Benth.


Part used: Rhizome.


Uses: Rhizome used as an ingredient of drug formulations prescribed in dyspepsia, respiratory disorder and diseases of liver and spleen. The main preparations are Katukadya, Agrogyavardhini, Amritastak kwatha, Amritarishta, Yograja gugglu and Punarnavaa mandur.




  1. Schleichera oleosa (Lour.) Oken (syn. S. trijuga Willd.)


Part used: Fruit.


Uses: The unripe fruit is sour, heating to the body, heavy to digest; causes biliousness; destroy “vata”, astringent to the bowels. The ripe fruit is sweet, sour, digestible, astringent to the bowels, heating; increases taste and appetite; cures “Kapha ” and “Vata”(Ayurveda).




  1. Centratherum anthelminticum Kuntze


Part used: Seed.


Uses: Seeds anthelmintic, cure ulcers, used in skin diseases, leucoderma and fevers. It is employed in the preparations of somraji taila and Somraji ghrita.




  1. Saccharum spontaneum Linn.


Part used: Root.


Uses: Useful in biliousness, blood dysentery, bleeding piles, burning sensation, blood diseases, haemorrhagic, diathesis, indigestion, leucorrhoea, besides being aphrodisiac, diuretic, laxative and tonic. It is mainly employed in the preparations of Trinpanchamul kwatha, Kusavleha and Kusadya ghrita.




  1. Fritillaria roylei Hook.


Part used: Bulb.


Uses: The bulbs are powdered and boiled with dried orange skin and administered to treat, tuberculosis and asthma. It is also antipyretic, expectorant and lactogogue. It is one of the ingradient of Ashtavarga drug. Bulbs are used in Chinese medicine also.




  1. Ipomoea hederaceae linn. (syn.I.nil (Linn.) Roth.


 Part used: Seeds.


 Uses: Seeds are laxative, carminative; cure inflammations, abdominal diseases, fevers, headache, diseases of head and bronchitis. Main preparation is Krihnabijada churna.




  1. Bunium persicum (Bois.) Fedt. (syn. Carum bulbocatanum W. Koch.)


Part used: Fruits.


          Uses: Fruits as spice and for flavoring dishes; in Unani medicine, extract used in bronchitis & Cold, carminative, insect repellent. Seed oil used for messaging in arthritis. It is commonly used as substitute for Chrum carvi as one of the ingredient in the formulation of a number of Ayurvedic drugs, some of which are Hingaastaka churna, Lavanabhaaskar churna, Yogaraja gugglu, etc.




  1. Andrographis paniculata Wall. Ex. Ness


Part used: Whole plant


Uses: Useful in dysentery, dyspepsia, fever, loss of appetite and general debility. It is an ingredient of a number of preparations prescribed in liver diseases. It is major constituent of Switraadi lepa, and effective drug for vitilago, Kaalmegha navayas churna and Kaalmegha aasava.




  1. Pistacia kinjuk Stocks (syn. P integerrima ) Stew.ex Brandis).


Part used: Insect galls formed on the leaves and petioles


Uses: Useful in asthma, cough and other diseases of respiratory tract. It is considered very effective in pulmonary affections. The main Ayurvedic preparations using it are Karkataadi churna, Brihattaalishaadi churna, and Balachaturbhadra.




  1. Curculigo orchiodes Gaertn. (syn. Hypoxis orchiodes Kurz.)


Part used: Root.


Uses: Useful in asthma, impotency, jaundice, colic and gonorrhoea. Used as poultice in itch and skin diseases. It is the ingredient of number of preparations used as aphrodisiacs and sexual tonic such as Mooslipaak.




  1. Cichorium intybus Linn.


Part used: Root, seeds and whole plant.


Uses: The plant is good tonic, useful in thirst, headache, ophthalmia, throat inflammation, enlargement of spleen, fever, vomiting, diarrhoea.


The root is the best part of the plant, good stomachic and diuretic; enriches and prufies blood; lessens inflammation and pain in the joints. Powered & roasted roots given with coffee as intoxicant, used and fevers, diarrhoea, in liver enlargement and as emmenagogue.


Leaves are applied topically to lessen pain in the joint.


The seed are tonic to the brain, alexiteric, appetiser; good in headache, ophthalmia, biliousness, lumbago, troubles of the spleen, asthma.




  1. Mucuna cochinchinesis Cheval


Part used: Seed (Ash colored and of large size)


          Uses: Seeds eaten after removal of velvet skin and often sold as substitute for Mucuna pruriens (Linn.) DC. Used in the formulation of Ayruvedic drugs.




  1. Mucuna utilis Wall


Part used: Seed. (Dull black or dark brown).


Used: It is often sold as substitute for Mucuna pruriens (Linn.) DC.used in the formulations of Ayurvedic drugs.




  1. Mucuna pruriens (Linn.) DC. (syn. M. prurita Hook).


Part used: Seed.


          Used: The seed is considered a potent aphrodisiac.  It is employed as an ingredient of drug formulation prescribed in sexual debility and seminal weakness.  Among the important products are Vanari gutika, Masbalaadi pachan, Kuuncha paak, etc.




  1. Acacia nilotica (Linn.) ssp. Indica (Benth.) Brenan (syn. Acacia arabica Willd.)


Part used: pod.


Uses: The pod is dry, acrid, sweet, cooling, astringent to the bowels; cures “Kapha” and biliousness (Ayurveda). All parts of the plant are aphrodisiac (Yunani). In Guinea the pods are prescribed in dysentery and opthalmia. Pods contain 42 % tannin.



  1. Sida cordifolia Linn.


Part used: Root.


Uses: Used in colic, cystitis and diseases of bile and blood.  The major Ayurvedic preparations are Balaadi kwatha, Balaadi arishta, Chandana lakshaadi taila, Sudarshna and Kukuvaadi churna.




  1. Sida cordifolia Linn.


Part used: Seed.


Uses: considered useful in sexual debility and spermatorrhoea.  It is employed in a number of drug formulations prescribed for improvement of sexual strength.




  1. Vetiveria zizaniodes (Linn.) Nash.


Part used: Root.


Uses: The root is cooling, alexiteric, stomachic, astringent, useful in burning sensations, bilious fever, sweat, foul breath, thirst, strangury, ulcers, diseases of blood. Also yield an essential oil employed as perfume and scenting various edible items, cosmetics, etc. The preparations made from root oil are Usirasav, Usiradi- Kwath, Usiradi churna, Usiradi taila and Sadabngpania. From roots are also made Sudarshan churna, Sarva- Jwar- haralouha, Pippalayasav. Oil made into Ruh-e-khas and Ittre-khas. Various cold drinks are also flavored with khas




  1. Sisymbrium irio Linn.


Part used: Seed. (Red colored genuine).


Uses: Seed is expectorant, febrifuge and restorative and externally as a stimulating poultice. Useful in asthma, cough, hoarseness, skin diseases, swelling in eyes, measles and general debility. It is used in various preparations of Unani medicine and one such preparation is Khubkalan- avleha.




  1. Commiphora wightii (Arnott.) Bhand (syn. C. Mukul (Hook.ex. stocks) Engl.


Part used: Oleo- gum obtained from stem/ branch (Tapped from stem/branch above 5 cm thickness).


          Uses: Useful in amenorrhoea, arthritis, diabetes, cough, dyspepsia, epilepsy and uterine affections. The main drug formulations employing the material re Yogaraja guggul, Gokshuraadi guggal, Chandraprabha vati and  Arogyavardhini.




  1. Scindapsus officinalis Schott.


Part used: Fruit.


Uses: The fruit is pungent, sharp; heating, appetizer, anthelmintic, aphrodisiac, galatagogue, sharpens the hearing, regulates the bowels, useful in dysentry, asthma, and troubles of throat. (Ayurveda) The dried, sliced fruit is used in Ayurvedic preparations as an armomatic adjunct to other medicines.




  1. Onosma bracteatum Wall.


Part used: Leaves and  flowers.


          Uses: Leaves are known as Bargi- I- gaozavan and flowers as Gule-gaozavan.  Leave and flowers are used as tonic, alterative, demulcent, diuretic, cooling and spasmolytic.  Preparations are Gajozaban ark and  Banafasadi kwath (Yunani).




  1. Daucus carota Linn. Var. sativa  DC.


Part used: seed.


Uses: Seeds aromatic, stimulant, carminative, useful in kidney diseases, dropsy, taken as nervine toinc, in utrine pain and for affecting abortion.




  1. Gmelina arborea Roxb.


Part used: Root bark.


Uses: Epmloyed in drug formulations given in Anasarca-fever, seminal weakness, digestive troubles and for increasing lactation power.  The main preparations are Shiparnaadi kwatha, Shriparni taila, Brihat panchmuladdi kwath, Dasmuladi arista, etc.  The root constitutes one of the Dasmool and also Panchmool drug of Ayurveda.




  1. Paederia scandens (lour.) Merr. (syn. P. foetida Linn.)


 Part used: Whole herb.


           Uses: Useful in rheumatic affections, diarrhoea in children, internal haemorrhages, perionites and debility due to prolonged illness. The main preparations employing the drug are Prasarini talia, Prasarini lauha and Shambhunaatha rasa.




  1. Rosa damascena Mill.


Part used: Flowers.


     Used: The flowers is bitter, acrid, with a good odour, cooling, laxative, aphrodisiac, antipyretic; cures leprosy, biliousness, burning sensations; removes bad odour from the mouth, improves appetite (Ayruvedic). The main preparations are Gulkand, Ark gulab, Dulhn-i- ward-I- khan, Duhn-I ward-I-matbukh,Gulanjnin, Ittre gulab, Amlakayadi churna, Talisadi churna, Sarpagandha yog and Sphatika drav.




  1. Althea rosea (Linn.) cav.


Part used: Whole herb.


          Uses: The whole plant, especially the root yields in decoction a plentiful, tasteless, colorless mucilage, very salutary in cases of irritation. Root and seeds are suppurative and emollient, analgesic, good in lumbago, earache and inflammation of the breast, prescribed in cough and irritable condition of intestine and bladder; used as emollient enema. The leaves and flowers are applied to burns and parts bitten by venomous reptiles (Yunani).




  1. Punica granatum Linn.


          Part used: flowers.


          Uses: Flowers are useful in epistaxis whereas powdered flower buds in bronchitis.




  1. Punica granatum Linn


          Part used: Rind and root bark.


           Uses: The root bark is most astringent part of the plant and is specific in cases of tapeworm. Bark extract narcotic and antibacterial. Seeds stomachic, pulp heart tonic, stomachic.


          Rind: Anthelmintic, useful in diarrhoea, dysentery, dyspepsia, piles, cough, throat trouble, cold effects and as heart tonic. The main preparations are Dadima chatuhsam, Dadima stak, Dadimadi churna, Dadimu ghrita, Dadima taila, Dhanya panchak kwatha, Dhanyaaadi him, Lavanbhaskar churna, Guduchyadi kwatha and Abhyarishta.




  1. Hibiscus rosa- sinensis Linn.


Part used: Flower.


          Uses: Flowers are considered cmollient and infusion of the petals is given as demulcent and refrigerant drink in fever. The buds have a sweet odour and bitter taste; cooling, astringent; remove burning of the body, urinary discharges, seminal weakness, piles, uterine and vaginal discharges; promote growth of the foetus. The flowers fried in Ghee check excessive menstruation (Ayurveda).




  1. Gymnema slyvestre R. Br.


Part used: Leaves & roots.


                  Uses: Leaves possess remarkable property when chewed of deadening the sense of taste of sweet bitter substances and reported to cause hypoglycaemia.


Root: Powder made into paste with a little water is applied to the snake bitten part and at the same time a decoction of root is given internally. Root is also said to possess emetic and expectorant properties.




  1. Tinospora cordifolia (Willd.) Hook. F. & Thoms.


        Part used: Stem.


Uses: Useful in bilious fever, rhematism, general debility, seminal weakness, splenic diseases and urinary affections. It is mostly used for preparing a king of starch known as Guduchi satva or sat giloe.  The drug is the ingredient of a large number of important drug formulations some of which are Amritarishta, Sudarshana churna, Sanjivani vati, Amritaastaka kwatha, Yograja guggulu and Kaishor gugglu.




  1. Tribulus terrestris Linn.


Part used: Root.


Uses: Useful in calculus affections, kidney diseases, painful micturition and urinary discharges. The main drug formulations employing this root are Gokshuraadi kwatha, Rasnaa saptak kwatha,HHHHH

Haritakyaadi kwatha and Brihat vaarunaadi kwatha.




  1. Tribulus terrestris Linn.


Part used: Fruit.


Uses: It is commonly employed in drug formulations used in urinary and bronchial diseases and difficult micturition. The main preparation are Gokshuraadi churna, Gokshuraadi gugglu and Abhyarishta.




  1. Sphaeranthus indicus Linn.


Part used: Whole plant, especially floral heads.


Uses: Employed in drug formulations used for treatment of glandular swelling in the neck, urethral discharges and jaundice. The main preparation are Mundiarka; Alriphal mundi and Choamundi.


Sphaeranthus amaranthodies Linn. Used, as substitute for S. indicus fruits is S. India.




  1. Pedalium murex Linn.


Part used: Fruit.


Uses: Used as a substitute especially in South India for Tribulus terrestris fruits in the formulation of Ayurvedic drugs-Dasamularista, Gokshura-di-kwath; Gokshuradi guggulu, Gokshurady abaleha, Gokshuradi churna; Abhayarishta, Rasna saptak kwath, Haritakayadi kwath, Vrihat varunadi kwath.




  1. Jasminum grandiflorm Bailey


Part used: Leaves.


Uses: The leaves are very useful in diseases of the skin, ulcers of the mouth and tongue. The fresh juice of the leaves is applied to soft corns. Oil prepared from the leaves is very useful in otorrhoea. Main preparations are Jatyadi taila, jatyadi ghrita, Jatayadi varit and Jatiparadi kwath




  1. Michelia champaca linn.


Part used: Bark and Flowers.


Uses: Bark is bitter with sharp acrid taste; causes warmth in the abdomen; destroys poisons; removes works; facilitates micturition, diuretic, aphrodisiac, removes”Kapha” and “vata” bile and blood affections.(Ayurveda)


Flowers are bitter, stomachic, diuretic, Good in leprosy, skin diseases, ulcers. (Ayurveda). Flowers expectorant and useful in cough and rheumatism (Yunani). The perfumed oil prepared form the flowers is a useful application in cephalagia, ophthalgia, and gout.




  1. Piper chaba Hunter


Part used: Fruit.


Uses: Fruit is pungent, heating, and anthelmintic, expectorant, carminative, improves appetite and taste; useful in asthma, bronchitis, fevers, piles,  pain in abdomen and at the anus.  The main preparations are Panckhol phant, pranda gutika, Kankayanmodak, Chavyadi ghrita, Sarvawarhara louha, Yograj guggulu and Chandraprabha vati.




  1. Cassia absus Linn.


Part used: Seeds.


Used: Useful in purulent conjunctivitis, urinary troubles and treatment of wound and sores.  The seed is employed in certain diuretic drug formulations and a large number of eye lotions.




  1. Swertia chirayita (Roxb.ex Fleming) Karst. (syn.S. chirata Buch.- Ham.)


Part used: Whole plant


Uses: Useful in toxic fevers, asthma and ulcerations, urinary disorders, fevers and skin inflammations. It is one of the ingredients of drug formulations prescribed for the treatment of anorexia, biliary disorders, skin diseases dyspepsia. The major formulations employing the drug are Sudarshana churna, kiraataadi kwath, Phalatrikadi kwatha, Chandraprabha vati and Sarvjwarhara lauha.




  1. Plumbago zeylanica Linn.


Part used: Root and root bark.


Uses: Ingredient of drug formulations, prescribed in anasarca, biliousness, cough, dyspepsia, as an expellant of phelegmatic tumors and prurigo. Among the major preparations are Chitrakaadi guttika, chitraka haritaki, Sudarshana churna, Yograga gugglu, Aarogyavar dhini and Chanraprabha vati.




  1. Santalum album Linn.


Part used: Heartwood.


Uses: Ingredient of drug formulations considered useful in bronchitis, bilious disorders, chronic catarrh of the bladder, dysentery, dysuria, gastric irritability and headache. The main preparation using Chandan are Chandanaadi churna, chandanaadi vati, Pippliyasva, Sudarshan churna and Chandanaadi taila.




  1. Aconitum heterophyllum Wall.


Part uses: Root.


Uses: Root is very bitter, valuable febrifuge & bitter tonic; used against diarrhoea, dysentery, cough, fever, vomiting and toothache. The main preparations are Panchabaktra; Souvagya vati, Romban, Swalpa Kasturi bhairab ras and Agnitundi vati




  1. Aconitum violaeum Jacob.


Part used: Root.


Uses: root is reputed poisonous but when mitigated, it works as alternative, anti- inflammatory, diaphoretic, expectorant tonic, stomachic and nervine tonic. It is employed in large number of drug formulations prescribed for the cure of asthma, diabetes, loss of appetite, paralysis, rheumatic arthritis, typhoid and nasal catarrh. The main preparations using these roots as an ingredient are Miritanjya rasa, Hingulswar rasa; Agnitudi vati, Sanjeevani vati, Kaphaketu bhairava, Jwarmurari, tribuvan kirit and Laghu visgarva taila.




  1. Berberis aristata Roxb. Ex. DC.


Part used: Fruit.


Uses: The fruit known, as “Ziriskh” is edible and act as laxative.




  1. Bacopa monnieri (Linn. ) Pennell.( syn. Herpestis monniera (Linn.) H.B.& K


Part used: Whole herb


Uses: The drug is used for enhancing power of speech, arresting process of ageing and overcoming conditions of stress. It is employed in preparation of Brahmi ghrita prescribed in cases of epilepsy and hysteria in Bengal.




  1. Alhagi maurourm Medikus (syn. A pseudoalhagi M. Bieb. & A. camelorum Fisch.)


Part used: All parts


Uses: The plant is bitter and acrid with a distinct flavor; refrigerant, digestible, antipyretic, tonic, laxative, diuretic; cures brain affections, leprosy, skin, diseases, bronchitis, allays thirst and improve appetite; useful in epistaxis (Ayurveda.) Plant infusion in chest affections and as diaphoratic; flowers in piles; leaf oil in rheumtic pains.




  1. Syzygium cumini (Linn.) Skeel (syn. Eugenia jambolana lam.)


Part used: Seed. kernel.


Uses: Employed in drug formulations prescribed in diarrhoea of children, dysentery, indigestion, loss of appetite, leucorrhoea and skin diseases. These are also attributed with the property of reduction of blood sugar. The main preparations are Jambuadi taila and Panchapallava yoga.




  1. Valeriana jatamansi Jones (syn. Wallichi DC.)


Part used: Rhizome & root.


Uses: Employed in drug formulations prescribed in nervous excitability, insomnia, gastrointestinal spasms, epilepsy, neurosis and rheumatism. Some major preparations are Sudarshana churna, Pippaliyasau & Dasanga lepa.




  1. Cinnamomum tamala Nees & Eberm.


Part used: Leaves


Uses: Useful in anorexia, bladder disorders, dryness of mouth, coryza, haemorrhoids and nausea. The drug is effective for strengthening the walls of uterus and stopping bleeding during pregnancy.




  1. Ocimum sanctum Linn.


Part used: Whole herb.


Uses: The juice of leaves is prescribed in catarrhal affections, conditions of difficulty in passing urine, gastric and hepatic disorders and fungal infections. Recently the leaf has been found to have marked antistressed activity.


Roots: roots decoction is given in malarial fever. It is considered to have a property to destroy bacteria and insect- poison.


Seeds: Seeds anti- catarrh, demulecent, stimulant, seed extract in fever and colotis. Seed powder in urinary troubles.


No prepared medicine is sold in the market but whenever required, fresh collection is made and used.




  1. Lallemantia royleana Benth.


Part used: Seed.


Uses: Seed are cooling, sedative, diuretic; used in flatulence and constipation and taken internally in urinary troubles, recommended in cough. Seed poultice on boils and inflammations. Seeds aphrodisiac, useful in diseases of heart and brain, insanity, griping, bleeding gums, gleet, thirst, bronchitis, tonic to the liver (Yunani).




  1. Hygrophila auriculata ( K. Schum.) Heine (syn. Asteracantha lognifolia.Nees).


Part used: Seed.


Uses: Seeds considered useful in urinary infections, hepatic obstructions, dropsy and rheumatism. They are one of the Panchabija (Five seeds) of Ayurvedic Materia Medica, which are attributed with high diuretic properties. It is one of the important ingredients of drug formulation given for Vaajikaarana (Sexual vigour such as Paushtic churna.)




  1. Zanthoxylum armatum DC. (syn. Z. alatum Roxb.)


Part used: Fruit.


Uses: Employed in drug formulation given in asthma, cold and cough, diarrhoea, dyspepsia and nervous debility. The main preparation is Tumbvaraadi churna.




  1. Lodoicea maldivica (Poir.) Pers.


Part used: Fruit.


Uses: Fruit water tonic, husk extract in urinary troubles and to diabetic patients. Kernel edible, rich in calcium, tonic, nutritive, antacid.




  1. Cedrus deodara(Roxb. ) Loud.


Part: Wood, wood oil and bark.


Uses: Wood diuretic, carminative, its water extract in fever, flatulence, urinary disorder, piles and in kidney stone, bark in diarrhoea and dysentery.


Wood oil diaphortic, antiseptic and used for healing ulcers and in skin diseases.


Main preparations are Devdarvadi kwaht, Dedarvadi churna, Rasnadi kwath, Satyadi kwath, Sudarshan churna, Sarwajwar lauha; Punarnava mandur, Karanjadi yog, Laghu vis garva taila, Khadira rista,  Rasna panchak kwath, Chandraprabha vati, Devadarvresta etc.




  1. Gloriosa superba Linn.


Part used: Root tuber.


Uses: Root purgative, anthelminic, given in leprosy, skin infection, piles, colic pains and also used as abortifacient, in chronic ulcers, neuralgic pains. Main preparations are Kasisadi taiala, Languli rasayan and Loghu vis grava taila.




  1. Berberis chitria Lindl. (syn.B aristata Hook. F. & Thomson (non DC.) & B.asiatica Roxb.)


Part used: Root and root bark.


Uses: Useful in jaundice, haemorrhoids, urinogential disorders and skin diseases. The drug is employed as an ingredient of Darbhyadi leha, Khadirarishta, Chandanaadi vait, Sudershana churna, Punaranavaa mandur, etc.




  1. Woodfordia furticosa (Linn.) Kurz (syn. W.floribunda Salisb.)


Part used: Flower.


Uses: It is the ingredient of a number of drugs formulations, prescribed in dysentery and menorrhagia. The flowers are extensively employed for fermentation of Asavas and Arishtas. The other preparations are Dhaatakyadi chyrna, Laghugangadar churna, Dhaatakyadi taila, Kutajarista. Abhyayarista,Pippalayasav, Kanakasav, Khadirarista. Parthadyarista, Asokaristha, etc.




  1. Dregea volubilis Benth. Ex Hook.f.


Part used: Whole plant


Uses: The plant is used in colds, eye diseases and cause, sneezing. Leaves antiseptic and applied on boils and abscesses. Roots emetic, expectorant.




  1. Mesua ferrea Linn.


Part used: Anther.


Uses: Considered useful in fever, bleeding piles, dyspepsia and abdominal inflammation. It is an ingredient of large number of drug formulations such as Chavyanprash, Amirtharishta, Lavanbhaskar churna, Pippalayasava, Kanakasava and Khadirarishata.




  1. Cyperus rotundus Linn.


Part used: Tuber.


Uses: Tubes used in disorder of stomach, irritation of bowels and febrile and dyspeptic affections. Ingredient of large number of Ayurvedic formulations, major among which are Mustakarishta, Panchabharda Kwatha, Amritarishta, Laghu gangadhar chruna, Gokshuraadi gugglu and Chandraprabha vati.




  1. Cyperus scariosus R. Br.


Part used: Tuber.


Uses: Tubers aromatic, cordial, stomachic, desiecant, used for washing haris, diaphoretic, given in diarrhoea, decoction in gonorrhoea, in syphilis, tubes essential oil antiseptic. Ingredient of number of Ayruvedic formulations such as Mustakadi kwath, Mustakarista, Mustadi churna, Mustadi leha, Sadagapaniya, Panarnava mandur, gokhuradi guggulu, Chandraprabha vati, Vidangadi louha and many others.




  1. Azadirachta indica A. Juss. (syn. Melia azadirachta Linn.)


Part used: Seed. / Kernel.


Uses: The oil obtained form the seeds is a useful remedy in skin diseases, piles, parasitic infestations & ulcers and is considered to be antiseptic and desinfectant. It is extensively employed in the preparations of medicated soaps and creams.




  1. Azadirachata indica A.Juss. (syn. Melia azadirachta Linn.)


Part used: Stem bark


Uses: Employed in drug formulations prescribed for malarial and intermittent fevers, post fever weakness, leucorrhoea, and diseases of blood and skin. The main preparations are Nimbarishta, Nimbaadi kwatha, Nimbaadi churna and Nimba haridra khanda.




  1. Azadirachta indica A. Juss. (syn.)


Part used: Leaves


Uses: The juice of fresh leaves is given in jaundice, prurigo and boils. Externally, these are applied to glandular tumours and pustular eruptions. It is common ingredient of drug formulations prescribed in helminthiasis and leucoderma.




  1. Indigofera tinctoria Linn.


Part used: Stem.


Uses: Stem extract in epilepsy, nervous disorders, bronchitis and as an ointment on sores, old ulcers, haemorrhoids; potent antiseptic.




  1. Indigofera tinctoria L.


Part used: Leaves


Uses: Leaves juice has great repute as cure for hydrophobia leaf extract in blennorrhagia and poultice in skin affections. They also yield Indigo dye.



  1. Marsdenia tenacissima Wight & Arn.


Part used: Root.


Uses: Roots in colic, as strong purgative and is given by tribals in colds and asthma, Stem pieces of Marsdenia tencissima are used as adultrant for Kaali nisoth (operculina turpethum Linn.) Silva Manso roots which is entirely a different drug.




  1. Operculina turpethum (Linn.) Silva Manso


          Part used: Root.


           Uses: Employed in drug formulations prescribed in constipation, dropsical effusions, rheumatism and paralysis.  Some of the Ayurvedic preparations are Trivritadi ghrita, Trivritadi kwatha; Abhyarishta, Kaishor gugglu; Chandraprabha vati, Trivritadi churna and Trivritadi guttika.



  1. Nymphaea stellata Willd.


Part used: Flower.


Uses: Useful in a variety of disorders, such as sanguiners fluxes form bowels, diseases of liver and heart and burning sensation of the body. Externally used as cooling application to the forehead in cephalagia, skin erysipelas and other external inflammations. The main preparations employing Utpala and Utpalaadi churna and Utpalaadi him.




  1. Tricosanthes dioica Roxb.


Part used: Leaves.


Uses: Leaves antipyretic, anthelmentic, aphrodisiac, cure biliousness, bronchitis. Fresh juice of leaves useful in alopecia. It is one of the ingredient in the preparations of Potaladya churna, Amritastak-kwath, Sudarsan churna, Patoladi parkshala, Amritadi guggulu and Vunimbadi kwath.




  1. Prunus cerasoides D.Don (syn.P puddum Roxb.)


Part used: Stem bark.


Uses: Considered useful in stomach troubles, burning sensation of body, cold and cough and cough and in checking abortive tendencies during pregnancy. The main preparations employing the drug are Guduchyadi kwatha  and Sudarshan churna.




  1. Putranjiva roxburghii Wall.


Part used: Leaves


Uses: Plant aphrodisiac, laxative, diuretic; good for eyes; useful in biliousness, thirst, burning sensation (Ayurveda).


Leaves decoction in cold and fever, in rheumatism, crushed leaves on swollen throat.




  1. Boerhavia diffusa Linn. (syn. B. repens Linn.)


Part used: Root.


Uses: Employed in drug formulation given in cough, anasarca, blood diseases, bleeding piles, colitis, fever and respiratory disorders. Constitutes of the Dasamool drugs. The main preparations employing the crude drug are Dasamool arishta, and Sudershana churna.




  1. Boerhavia diffusa Linn. (syn. B. repens Linn.)


Part used: Whole herb.


Uses: Employed in drug formulations prescribed in jaundice, strangury, internal inflammations and dropsy. It is also used n inflamanatory renal diseases. The main Preparations are Punarnavastaka; Rasnasaptak kwatha; Punarnavadi kwatha and Punarnavadi mandur.




  1. Cissampelos pareira Linn.


Part used: Root.


Uses: Employed as ingredient of drug formulations used in controlling mucous secretion, pruritus, internal tumors, piles and inflammatory affections of the bladder the kidney. The main preparations are gangadhar churna, Kutajaastak kwatha, Pipplayaasava and yograja gugglu.




  1. Diymocarpus pedicellata R. Br.


Part used: Leaves and root.


Uses: Leaves aromatic with spicy odour, an indigenous medicine for kidney and bladder stones. The aromatic oil from leaves applied on swellings for relief.


Roots employed as substitute for Bergenia ciliata (Haw.) Sternb. Rhizome (Silphoraa, Paashaanbheda mool) in Northen India as one of the ingredient in the manufacture for Ayruvedic drugs such as Paashaanbhedaadi kwatha, Paashaanbhedaddi ghrit and Haritakyadi kwatha.




  1. Mentha arvensis Linn.


Part used: Whole herb (Leaves and stem).


Uses: The Leaves and stems are carminative, stimulant, cooling, leaf infusion in indigestions; leaf extract in vomiting and wind troubles. The dried is refrigerant, stomachic, diuretic and stimulant. It possesses antispasmodic and emmenagogue properties and used n jaundice and is frequently given to stop vomiting.




  1. Mentha spicata Linn. (syn. M viridis Linn.)


Part used: Whole herb (Leaves and stem).


Uses: Herb is stimulant, antispasmodic; infusion form leaves infantile stomach disorders, hysteria, in vomiting during pregnancy. It is also used for culinary purposes, in preparing chutneys, flavoring dishes, jellies and drinks.




  1. Piper longum Linn.


Part used: Rhizome & root.


Uses: Employed as an ingredient of drug formulations used in chronic bronchitis, lumbago and rheumatism. Acts as counter irritant and analgesic when applied locally for muscular pains. The main preparations are Pippalimooladi Kwatha, Punarnavaa mandur and Pippalimoolaadi kwatha, Punarnavaa mandur and Gokshuraadi kwatha.




  1. Piper longum Linn.


Part used: Mature but unripe fruiting spike.


Uses: Used in a large number of diseases such as loss of appetite, asthma, bronchitis, indigestion, sleeplessness and obstructions in liver and spleen. It is employed in a large number of Ayurvedic preparations some important ones being Yogaraja gugglu, Trikuta churna, Amritarishta, Chandraprabha vati and Lavanabhaaskara churna.




  1. Centaurea behen Linn.


Part used: Root.


Uses: Roots aphrodisiac, useful in jaundice and calculus affections.




  1. a Centaurea calicitrapa Linn.


Part used: Root, leaf and seeds.


Uses: Root powder prescribed in fistula and gravels problems.

Leaf paste is applied in cephalagia.


Fermented seeds are taken internally in stone problems.




  1. a Podophyllum hexandrum Royle


Part used: Roots, rhizome and resin.


Uses: Root and rhizome hepatic stimulant. Resin is used as cholagogue, alternative, emetic, bitter tonic, heart tonic in small doses, toxic in large doses, stimulates peristalsis, effective vermifuge, good in allergy and skin inflammations and possess damaging property.




  1. Viola odorata Linn.


Part used: Leaves.


Uses: Dried leaves used in bronchitis, cold effects, cough, in extract form, expectorant, diaphoretic, antibacterial, in Homeopathy in skin and eye diseases, gives relief in earache; leaves as perfume, taken with tea.




  1. b viola pilosa Blume; V. serpens Wall., V. partinii Ging., V. cineria Boiss. Var. stocksii Beck.


Part used: Flower.


Uses: No mention of the crude drug is found in old Ayurvedic literature, thought included n variously recently compiled ‘Nighantus’. It is used as expectorant, diaphoretic, emollient, demulcent and diuretic and employed as an ingredient of drug formulations given in cold, cough and chest congestions. The main preparations employing the drug are Benafshaadi kwatha, Gulkanda, cough mixtures and medicated herbal tea.




  1. Terminalia bellirica (Gaerth.) Roxb. (syn. T. belerica Roxb.)


Part used: fruit.


Uses: Useful in dropsy, dyspepsia, enlargement of spleen, sore throat and piles. It is one of the three ingredients of Triphala and is employed in a large number of drug formulations prescribed for gastro- intestinal and inflammatory diseases. Some of the main preparations are Bibhitak talila, Triphala churna, Phalartikadi kwath, Talesadi churna, Lavangad vati, Sanjevani vati , Punarnava mandur, Navayas louha, Khadirarista, Gokshuradi guggulu.




  1. Aegle marmelos (Linn.) corr.


Part used: Pulp of unripe fruit.


Uses: considered useful in improving appetite, controlling diaarrhoea, promoting strength and vigor. It is one main ingredient of drug formulations prescribed in the treatment of chronic diarrhoea and bacillary dysentery. Some of the main preparations are Bilvaadi churna, Laghu gangadhar churna, and Bilavaadi ghrit.




  1. Aegle marmelos (Linn.) Corr.


Part used: leaves.


Uses: Tender aromatic leaves eaten to check diabetes. Fresh leaf juice antibilious, laxative and febrifuge and given in fever with disorder of liver. It is also useful in asthma and with black pepper is also useful in cases of dropsy with constipation and jaundice.




  1. Aegle marmelos (Linn.) Corr.


Part used: Root bark.


Uses: Useful in hypochondria sis, melancholia, palpitation of heart and inflammation of heart and inflammation of uterus. It is one of the constituents Dasamoola and Mahaapanchamoola group of drugs. The main preparations are Dasamoola arishta, Bilva panchak kwatha and Valsyakaadi kwatha.




  1. Psoralea corylifoia Linn.


Part used: Fruit (Indehiscent fruit containing one seed.)


Uses: Employed in drug formulations prescribed in haematemis, leprosy, leucoderma, erysipelas, bilious affections and skin diseases. The rude drug has been used in India since long for treatment of leucoderma. The preparations are Baakuchi taila and Vidanga lepa.




  1. Adhatoda zeylanica Medik (syn.A vasica Nees)


Part used: Leaves.


Uses: Useful in asthma, bronchitis, chest complaints, consumption, cough and pulmonary affections. It is employed as an ingredient of many drug formulations prescribed for respiratory and chest diseases. The more important preparations are Vasaacarista, Vasaacaa ghrita, Vasaacaa avleha, Phalatrikaadi Kwatha, Vasaacaa churna and kanakaasava.




  1. Justicia gendarussa Burm.f.


Part used: Whole plant.


Uses: It is febrifugic, emetic, emmenagogue, diaphoretic, given in treatment of lunacy, debility, in snake bite.


Leaves antiperiodic, alterative, insecticide, in rheumatism and beriberi diseases. Leaf infusion in cephalagia hemiplegia, facial paralysis. Leaf juice in internal haemorrhage, in earache.


Root antiseptic and used in many other medicines as ingredient, antipyretic and depressant.




  1. Embelia ribes Burm.f.


Part used: Fruit (Black when ripe).


Uses: Promotes gastro-intestinal digestion, relieves constipation and abdominal pain. It is also considered very effective as an anthelmintic against tape worms. The main preparations employing the drug are Vidangaadi churna, Vidangarishta, sarvajwara louha, Agnitundi vati, Yogaraja gugglu Kaishor gugglu, Chandraprabha vati and Vidanga taila.




  1. Embelia tsjeriam- cottam A. DC. (syn. E.robusta C.B. CI.)


Part used: Fruit (Purplish red when ripe.)


Uses: Fruits antispasmodic, carminative and commonly employed as a low substitute for Vidanga (E. ribes Burn.f.) in the preparations of Ayurvedic drugs.




  1. Argemone mexicana Linn.


Part used: Whole herb and seed oil.


Uses: Plant juice for dropsy, conjunctivitis and in jaundice and applied to indolent ulcers to promote healing. Given internally in leprosy. Leaves juice in scabies. Roots alternative.


Seed oil cathartic and causes vomiting, beri-beri and mostly adulterated with mustard oil for profiteering ((Mustard oil adulterated with Argemone oil cause paralysis, eye blindness).


The main Ayurvedic drug produced is Laghu vis garva taila.




  1. Cydonia oblonga Mill. (syn.C. vulgaris Pers)


Part used: Seed.


Uses: Seeds act as demulcent and are used as tonic and diarrhoea, dysentery, sore- throat and fever. Mucilage of seed antiseptic, used in the preparation of liniment, cosmetics, etc. a good stabilizer in diary products. Seed kernel oil for messaging, in medicine and in the preparation of creams.




  1. Clerodendrum serratum (Linn.) Moon.


Part used; Root bark.


Uses: Useful in anasarca, coryza, epilepsy, febrile conditions, indigestion, dyspepsia and respiratory diseases. The main preparations are Bhaarangaadi kwatha and Bhaarangi gur.




  1. Betula utilits D.Don (syn. B bhojpattra Wall).


Part used: Stem bark.


Uses: considered useful in dyspepsia, epilepsy, haemophilic conditions and diseases of ear. The main drug formulations employing Bhurja are Bhurija churna and Bhurja taila.




  1. Selinum tenuifolium Wall.


Part used: Rhizome


Uses: Rhizome possess sweet and musky odour, used as an incense. Also employed as nervine sedative. Its rhizomes (Bhootkeshi) are also sold in the market as a cheap substitute for the drug Jatamaansi (Nardostachys jatamansi) of Ayurvedic System.




  1. Sida rhombifolia Linn.


Part used: Root.


Uses: Roots are used in rheumatism, leucorrhoea and tuberculosis. These roots being readily available are employed in place of Kharenthi (Sida cordifolia) in the manufacture of a number of Ayurvedic preparations such as Balaadi kwatha, Balaadi arishta, Chandana lakshaadi taila, Sudarshana churna and Kukuvadi churna.




  1. Solanum nigrum Linn.


Part used: Whole herb collected at fruiting stage.


Uses: Prescribed in the diseases of eye and urinary tract, piles and fever. Extract of the fresh plant is considered useful in the treatment of cirrhosis of liver and dropsy. Main preparations are Kaakmaachi churna and Makoi swarasa.




  1. Helicteres isora Linn.


Part used: Root, bark and fruit.


Uses: Roots are given in amoebic dysentery, diabetes, antigalactagogue.


          Bark used in diarrhoea and dysentery.


          Dried fruits in intestinal disorders, colic, pains, flatulence, diarrhoea.




  1. Rubia manjith Roxb. Ex Fleming (syn. R. cordifolia auct, non L.)


Part uses: Root.


Uses: Useful in cough, hepatic and urinary obstructions, jaundice and rheumatism. The main preparations are Manjisthaadi kwatha, Manjisthaardaka, Pinda taila, Lagu vis garva taila and Karanjadi.




  1. Glycyrrhiza glabra Linn.


Part used: Root and stolons.


Uses: Prescribed in asthma, bronchitis, cough, dysuria, gastric, and deodonal ulcer, sore throat, nervine weakness and skin diseases. Some of the preparations are Yashtyadi churna, Yashtyadi kwatha, Yashtimadhydi taila, Pinda taila, Sudarshana chruna and Sarva jwar hara lauha.




  1. Lawsonia inermis Linn.


Part used: Leaves & flowers.


Uses: Leaves prophylactic in skin diseases; leave extract in boils, inflammation, as gargle in sore throat. Leaves also yield dye used for coloring hands; palms, hairs and its paste when applied on feet relieve burning sensation. Infusion of flowers a valuable application on bruises. Main Ayurvedic preparation from it is Modayantadi churna.




  1. Chaerophyllum villosum Wall.ex DC.


Part used: Root.


Uses: Roots aromatic and sweet in taste and sometimes mistakenly supplied in place of genuine material (Roots of Ayurvedic heterophyllum Wall.; Trade name-Atis roots, Patisa) used in the manufacture of Ayurvedic preparations such Ativishaadi churna, Baal chaturbhadra, Suddarshana churna, Amritarishta, Vatsayadi kwatha, etc.




  1. Raphanus sativus Linn.


 Part Uses: Seed.


Uses: Seeds expectorant, carminative, peptic, diuretic, laxative, corrective and lithontriptic. In Punjab they are considered to be emmeangogue.




  1. Xeromphis spinosa (Thunb.) Keay (syn. Randia dumtorum Lam.)


Part used: Fruit.


Uses: Useful in the treatment of rhinitis, dermatosis, flatulence and phlegmatic swellings. It is considered a suitable irritant emato-cathartic.




  1. Quercus infectoria Oliv.


Part used: Dried gallnuts.


Uses: Useful in Leucorrhoea and other vaginal discharges, stomatitis, bleeding piles and intestinal haemorrhages. The drug is commonly employed as astringent in mouth washes and dental powders. The main Ayurvedic preparations re Vajradanta manjana and Mayaphalaadi malhaar.




  1. Bombax ceiba Linn. (syn. Salmalia malabarica Schott. And Endl.)


Part used: Exudate form stem bark.


Uses: Useful in diarrhoea, dysentery and menorrhagia. The major Ayurvedic preparations employing the natural material are Abhayarishta, and Loghu gangadhar churna.




  1. Mimusops elengi Linn.


Part used: Seed.


Uses: Seeds astringent, diuretic, good in gonorrhoea and its paste in Ghee taken internally to remove constipation. The seeds fix loose teeth, as an errhine cure troubles I the head (Ayurvedic).




  1. Celasturs paniculatus Willd.


Part used: Seed.


Uses: The oil from oil seeds is considered to have properties of stimulating intellectual powers and sharpening the memory. The major preparations employing the drug are Jyotishmati taila, Jyotishmati kalpa, Karnajaadi yoga and Lughu vis garva taila.




  1. Berberis lycium Royle and Berberis asiatica Roxb.ex DC.


Part used: Dried aqueous extract of roots.


Uses: Used in bilious systems and diarrhoea, menorrhagia, ulcer, conjuctivits and malarial dyspepsia accompanied by febrile conditions. It is employed ; in the preparation of Rasanjanaadi churna, Sudarshana churna, Darbhyadi kwatha, Darbhyadileha and a number formulations prescribed in eye diseases.




  1. Onosma hispidum Wall.ex Don (syn. O.echiodes Linn).


Uses: Root.


Uses: Roots yield a red dye known as ‘Ratanjoti’ used in coloring edible dishes, oils and medicines. Roots emollient, cooling, diuretic and their paste in water used in treating eruptions.




  1. (a) Habenaria edgeworthii Hook.f.(Riddi) (b) Platanthera latilabris Lindley (syn.Habenaria latilabris Hook.f.) (Vriddhi).


Part used: Whole plant.


Uses: Plants as salep, also as rejuvenating tonic. Also used against stones is the urinary tract as antiemetic.




  1. Piper aurantiacum Wall.


Part used: Seed.


Uses: Seeds are bitter, acrid, refrigerant and used in rheumatism. Main preparations are Sharangadhar samtita (for rheumatism ) and Yogaraj guggulu.




  1. (a) Rheum webbianum Royle (b) Rheum asutrale D. Don (syn. R. emodi Wall. Ex Meissn.).


Part used: Rhizome.


Uses: Useful in indigestions and other stomach troubles (specially in children), jaundice, piles, and urinogenital diseases. The common Ayurvedic preparations are Ghutitis (Stomachic and tonic formulation for infants) and Lavana bhaaskara churna




  1. Shorea robusta Gaertn.


Part used: Resinous exudates.


Uses: Used in blood dysentery, bleeding piles, weak digestion, ear diseases and leucorrhoea. Employed as an ingredient of stimulating plasters and ointments for fractures and rheumatism. The major preparations are Sarjrasaadi malhaar, Atsayadi lepa, Pinda taila and Chandanaadi vati.




  1. Inula racemosa Hook.f.


Part used: Root.


Uses: considered useful in cardic asthama, cough, pulmonary affections and skin diseases. The major preparations are Pushkarmulaadi churna; Shringiadi churna, Devdaaraadi kwatha, Sudarshana churana and Punarnavaa mandur.





  1. Vanda tessellata (Roxb.) Hook. Ex D. Don (syn. Vanda roxburghii R. Br.)


Part used: Leaves & root.


Uses: leaf paste in water applied on the body to reduce higher fever; juice in otitis inflammations. Roots in dyspepsia, bronchitis, rheumatism, antitubercular; root oil in til oil for external application in nervous disorders and rheumatic pains. Herb paste in sciatica.


The main preparations are Rasnasaptak kwath, Rasna guggal, Mahamash taila, Maharasnadi kwath, Rasnadasmula kwath, Lagdu, Laghu vis garva taila, Rasnapanchak kwath and Kukuvadi churna.




  1. Sapindus mukorossi Gaertn.


Part used: Fruit.


Uses: Fruit expecorant, emetic, used in the treatment of chlorosis, epilepsy, excessive salivations. Fruit extract as detergent for washing cloths, hairs, ornaments, Wollen items, bleaching cardomons, pericarp as fungicide in manufacture of shamopoos.




  1. Pistacia lentiscus Linn.


Part used: Resin


Uses: Resin from the tree is used to preserve teeth and gums and also purify breath and protection of wounds.




  1. Cressa cretica Linn.


Part used: Whole herb & fruit.


Uses: The plant is bitter, pungent, alterative, anthelmintic, stomachic, tonic, aphrodisiac, useful in consumpation, leprosy, asthma, biliousness, urinary discharges (Ayruveda).




  1. Abelmoschus moschatus Medic. (syn.H. ablemoschus Linn).


Part used: Seed.


Uses: Useful in cough, nervous debility, hysteria and other nervous disorders. It is also given during difficulty inbreathing in the cases of bronchial asthma. Main preparations is Lata Kasturi churna.




177.Cordia dichotoma Forst. (syn. C. myxa Roxb.)


Part used: Fruit.


          Uses: Fruit astringent, anthelmintic, bechic, diuretic, demulcent, expectorent and given in troublesome urinary passage, lung and spleen troubles.  Fruit gum eaten in colitis, antisptic and also used for making sticking paste.  Kernels good remedy in ringworm.




  1. Symplocos racemosa Roxb.


Part used: Stem bark.


Uses: Persceibed in asthma, bowel complaints, uterine haemorrhages and diseases of eye, ear and liver. Some of the drug formulations employing the drug are Lodhraasav, Lodhraadi kwatha and Pippalayasav.




  1. Mimosa pudica Linn.


Part used: Whole plant.


Uses: Plant alternative and resolvent and useful in diseases arising form disorder of the blood.


Seeds extract in urinary complaints.


Leaf paste in water applied externally on grandular swellings and juice in hydrocele. Leaf juice taken internally in piles, sores, sinus for dressing.




  1. Mimosa himaayana Gamble (syn.M. rubicaulis Lim.)


Part used: Whole plant.


Uses: Powdered roots given to check vomiting due to weakness.


Leaves infusion used in piles and their paste in water applied on burns.


          Fruits is also used medicinally.



  1. Syzygium aromaticum (Linn.) Merr. & L.M Perry (syn. Caryophyllus aromaticus Linn.; Eugenia aromatica Laung.



Part used: Flower buds; leaves and stem.


Uses: Prescribed in bronchitis, flatulence, gastric and intestinal pains, indigestion, nausea and tympanitis. Employed in number of drug formulations, the important among these being Lavangadi vati, Devakusumaadi rasa, Khadiraishta and Pippalyasava.


          Stem and leaves are used as soap perfume and eaten as condiment.




182.Ocimum viride Willd.


Part used: Leaves.


Uses: Leaves poultice in rheumatic pains, lumbago; leaf extract in cough and cold, given in fever; leaf juice as eye drop in conjunctivitis and in skin irritation. The plan is highly scented and emit volatite vapours to nullify bad odour from the environment. The leaves are also used as flavoring agent in cooking and as salad.




  1. Pueraria tuberosa DC.


Part used: Stem tuber.


Uses: Tubes demulcent, cooling, given in fevers in joint swellings as lactagogue. It is used an ingredient of a number of tonics and aphrodisiac drug formulations including Chayavanpraasha.




  1. Pterocarpus mrsupium DC.


Part used: Heart wood.


Uses: Considered useful in the treatment of leucoderma, urinary disorders, dysentery, diarrhoea, and diabetes mellitus. It promotes the complexion of the skin. Water stored in tumbler made of heart wood is given to diabetic patients.




  1. Ipomoea mauritiana Jacq. (syn.I. digitata auct. Plur. Non Linn.)


Part used: Tuberous root.


Uses: Roots bitter, considered tonic, alternative, aphrodisiac, demulcent, lactagogue, cholagogue. Employed as an ingredient in the formulation of Ayruvedic drugs for fevers and bronchitis. Root powder in spleen and liver disorders, in menorrhagia, debility, decoction in consumption and root paste in water applied in swellings for relief. It is the main preparation is Paushtik- an aphrodisiac powder taken as a tonic.




  1. Catharanthus roseus (Linn.) G. Don (syn. Vinca rosea Linn.)


Part used: Leaves


Uses: Infusion of leaves is used in diabetes, menorrhagia, diarrhoea. Leaf juice is applied on wasp sting, leaf paste applied as an antitode to scropion sting, on boils blisters as well as to some allergic skin diseases. The main preparations are Gorocangdai vati and Satapushpa gritha.




  1. Fumaria parviflora Linn.


Part used: Whole herb.


Uses: Dried plant is antihelminitc, aperient, diuretic, diaphoretic, expectorant, laxative and given in low fevers as well as to purify blood in skin troubles. Also used widely by Hakims as medicine in skin troubles. The main preparations in which its seeds used as an ingredient are Parpatadi kwath; Paraptadyarista, Sadangapaniya, Panchabhdra kwath, Satyadi kwath, Kirattikadi kwath, Sudarshan churna, Amritarista and Vunimabadi kwath.




  1. Convlovulus microphyllus Sieb. Ex Spreng. (syn. C. Pluricaulis Choicy)


Part used: Whole herb.


Uses: Useful in epilepsy, nervous debility, insomnia and in improvement of memory. The main Ayruvedic preparations employing the drug are Shankapushpi paanaka and Amritaadi rasaayana.




  1. Asparagus recemosus Willd.


Part used: Root.


Uses: Employed in drug formulation prescribed for diarrhoea, epilepsy, haemophilic disorders, seminal weakness and threatened abortion. The root is used as rubifacient in nervous and rheumatic complaints. The major preparations are Shataavari ghrit, Satmulaadi lauha, Shataavari paanak and Vishnu taila.




  1. Desmodium gangeticum (Linn.) DC.


Part used: Whole shrub.


Uses: The plant is considered antipyretic and anticatarrhal and is one of the ten ingredients of the compound Ayruvedic decoction called Dasmula kwatha which is used in a variety of diseases. Roots astringent, tonic, diuretic, used in fevers, cough, vomiting, asthma, and biliousness.




  1. Acacia concinna (Willd.) DC. (syn. A rugata Lamk.)


Part used: Pod.


Uses: The pods are used for washing hairs. Powdered pods are sold in bazaar for hair wash to remove insects, emetic and expectorant. Pods contain a saponin useful in poisoning fish.




  1. Diplocyclos palmatus (Linn. ) Jeffery (syn. Bryonopsis laciniosa ( Linn.) Naud.


Part used: Seed.


Uses: Seeds used in asthma, cholera, constipation, syphilis, snake bite. Also reported to promote fertility in women. The plant is bitter toinc and mild ferifuge. Leaves are used in inflammation and their juice applied scorpion sting.




  1. Piper cubeba Linn.f.


Part uses: Fruit.


Uses: Fruits are potent germicidal and chewed to remove mouth ulcers, swollen gums. It is essential oil in cystitis, gonorrhoea and gleet, antibacterial, Powdered fruit given in dysentery, catarrh, as antiashmatic, sedative, carminative, useful in rheumatism, Urethristis.


Mostly used n the preparation of genito-urinary diseases, particularly gonorrhoea and gravel as Cubeb sandol (Kabab-chini-sandol). Main preparations are Khadirarista, Chandanadi vati.




  1. Dactylorhiza hatagira (D. Don.) Soo Nom


Part used: Tuberous root.


Uses: Tubers used as expectorant, astringent, nervine tonic and aphrodisiac. It is yield mucilage with water and forms a jelly and which is useful in diarrhoea, dysentery ad chronic fever.




  1. Cassia angustifolia Vahl.


Part used: Pod.


Uses: it is used to increase muscular movement of the whole gastro-intestinal canal. Its action is slower that leaves but almost as effective. It is commonly prescribed in cases of haemorrhoids and in contipation of children. The main preparations employing the crude drug are Salsakaar churna, Yastiyadi churna and Panchasakaar churna.




  1. Cassia angustifolia Vahl.


Part used: Leaves.


Uses: Leaves extensively used as laxative and purgative. It is considered useful in habitual constiveness and increases peristaltic peristaltic movement of colon. The main preparations employing crude drug are Satsakaar churna, Yashtiaadi churna and Panchasakaar churna.




  1. Vitex negundo Linn.


Part used: Leaves.


Uses: Considered useful in dispelling inflammatory swellings of the joints caused due to acute rheumatism. Also used as a discutient fomentation in sprains, swelled testicles and contusions. The oil prepared form the leaves is used in conditions of hepatic


Enlargement, urinary troubles and skin diseases. The main preparations employing the crude drug are Nirgundi kalpa and Nirgundi taila.




  1. Vitex negundo Linn.


Part used: Fruit.


Uses: Useful in hedache, catarrh and worm infestation; used as substitute to the fruits of Vitex agnus castus Linn. Which is and imported crude drug used removing obstructions of brain and liver and enlargment of spleen.




  1. Saccharum bengalense Retz.


Part used: Root.


Uses: Roots demulcent diuretic.



  1. Asparagus adscendens Roxb.


Part used: Root.


Uses: Roots refrigerant, demulcent, galactagogue, and tonic. Useful in impotency, general debility diarrhoea and dysentery. The main preparations are Muslipak and Musalyadi yog.




  1. Tephrosia purpurea (Linn.) Pers.


Part used: Root and seeds.


Uses: Root is diuretic, allays thirst, cures diarrhoea, useful in bronchitis, asthma, liver and spleen diseases, inflammation, boils and pimples, good for ulcers and wounds and used in poisoning due to snake bite. Seeds are useful in poisoning due to rat bite and seed infusion is cooling.




  1. Argemone mexicana Linn.


Part used: Root.


Uses: Roots alterative, stimulant, useful in chronic cases of skin diseases.          Root decoction is given in blennorrhagia and vesicular calculus.




  1. Argyreia nervosa (Burm.f.) Boj (syn. A. speciosa sweet)


Part used: Root.


Uses: considered to improve digestion, increase receptive power of mind, sexual vigour and bodily strength. It is employed in the drug formulations prescribed in arthritis, ascites, rheumatism and lumbago, diseases of nervous system, chronic cough and sexual disorders in males.




  1. Rauvolfia serpentina Benth, ex Kurz.


Part used: Root.


Uses: Perscribed in high blood pressure, mental disorders, especially schizophrenia, sexual aggression and intestinal disorders. The main preparations are Sarpagandhaai chruna, Sarpagandhayoga.




  1. Barringtonia acutangula (Linn.) Gaertn.


Part used: Fruit.


Uses: Prescribed as an astringent and tonic in gingiotes and as emetic and expectorant in cough and bronchial disorders. It is also effectively used n reducing large abdomen in children. The main preparation is Hijjala churna.




  1. Colchicum luteum Baker


Part used: Corm.


Uses: Corm carminative, laxative, aphrodisiac, aperient, given in gout, rheumatic pain, liver and spleen diseases, as an external application in inflammation. Only preparation made from it is Majunesurinjan, a Yunani Preparation.


The corm is used in Afghanistan for the preparation of ‘Harantutitha’ a medicine of great repute and sold in Northern India also.




  1. Fritillaria roylei Hook.


Part used: Bulb.


Uses: Bulbs are powdered and boiled with dried orange skin and administered for treating tuberculosis and asthma. Bulbs are also used in Chinese medicine.




  1. Lilium polyphyllum D.Don


Part used: Bulb.


Uses: Bulbs are used for treating asthma, tuberculosis and as antipyretic, expectorant and lactogogue. It is one of the ingredient of Ashtavarga drug.




  1. Bombax cieba Linn. (syn. Salmalia malabarica Schott. & Endl)


Part used: Root.


Uses: Roots stimulant, astringent, tonic, aphrodisiac, a good medicine in sexual impotency. It is the chief ingredient in the preparation of ‘Musla semul’ a medicine highly considered aphrodisiac.




  1. Anthum graveolens Linn. (syn. Peucedanum graveloens (Linn.) Benth. & Hook.f.


Part used: Fruits (seeds).


Uses: fruits stomachic and carminative. Fruit oil is used in pharmaceutical preparations such as gripe waters and flavoring food products especially soups, sausages, meat products, pickles, vinegar, salads, yoghurt, sour creams, alcoholic beverages, seasonings.




  1. Anethum sowa Kurz.


Part used: Fruit (seeds)


Uses: Fruits anthelmintic, cardic, carminative, diaphoretic, deobstruent, diuretic, emmenagogue, expectorant, feberifuge, resolvent, stomachic, suppurative and weakness of semens, useful in asthma, cold, cough, colic, fever, flatulence, indigestion, skin diseases, vomiting. Seed oil carminative, cure flatulence in children and used in soap manufacture.




  1. Moringa oleifera Lam.


Part used: Seed.


Uses: Fresh seeds antipyretic, acrid, stimulant, purgative. They are reported to be useful in eye disease, brain complaints, snake bite, scorpion sting, venereal affections. Seed oil as lubricant to fine machines alike like watches, applied in gout, rheumatic pains and used in cosmetics. Also in colitis. Main preparations are Sobhanja nadi lep, Syamadi churna, Sudarshan churnai and Sarva jwar hara louha.




  1. Albizia lebbeck Benth.


Part used: Seed.


Uses: Seeds anstringent, aphrodisiac, restorative and given in piles, dysentery and diarrhoea and used in ophthalmic diseases, gonorrhoea and tuberculous glands. Seeds powder is taken internally to thicken seminal fluid. Seed oil is applied topically in leucoderma and leprosy. Main preparations are Mahasirisagad, Sirisaristha, Devadarvadyarista and Dasanga lep.




  1. Sarcostemma acidum (Roxb.) voigt, (syn. S. brevistigma Wt. & Arn.)


Part used: Whole shrub.


Uses: The plant is bitter, cooling, alternative and cures biliousenss and thirst.


Also planted to destroy white ants for sugar cane fields is South India.


          Root infusion antitode to snake poison.


          Leave juice is given in dog bite.


          Stem – Dried stem emetic.




  1. Foeniculum vulgare Mill.


Part used: Root and fruit.


Uses: Root purgative, works as a sharpner of eyesight. Fruits laxative, stimulant, carminative, diuretic, emmenagogue, used in the diseases of chest, spleen, kidney; infusion of fruits stimulate sweating and lacteal secreation. Fruits eaten raw and when picked (harvested) half of fully grown fruits and dried in shade are called Lucknowi sounf which is a fine quality of masticatory Fennel. The main preparations are Satapuspadi churna, satapuspdya ghrita, Salapuspa arka, (Ark-I badian,) Abhayarista and Panchasakhar churna.




  1. Cassia angustifolia Vahl.


Part used: Seed.


Uses: Seeds purgative, and useful in cases of haemorrhoids and constipation of children. Main preparations employing the crude drug are Satsakaar churna, Yastiyadi churna and Panchasakaaar churna.




  1. Zingiber officinalis Rosc.


Part used: Dry rhizome.


Uses: Useful in asthma, cough and cold, dyspepsia, Urticaria, loss of appetite, piles and sciatica. It is used in very large number of Ayurvedic formulations. Some of the important ones are Lavanabhaaskar churna, Sudershan churna, Amritaristha, gokshuraddi gugglu,Trikatu,Agnimukh churna, Abhyarista and Mahasuryaverti rosa.




  1. Adiantum philippense Linn. (syn. A. lunulatum Burm.)


Part used: Whole herb.


Uses: Useful in intermittent fever and diseases of blood and respiratory tract. Externally applied to chronic tumors of various kinds where it acts discutient. Main drug preparation is Hamspadi paanaka.




  1. Juniperus communis Linn.var. saxatilis Pallas


Part used: Mature fruit/berries.


Uses: Employed in drug formulations used in urino -gential disorders and cutaneous diseases. Exhausted fruits are used as one of the ingradients of drug formulations used and diuretic and sudorific. The oil is expectorant and suppurative.




  1. Ferula assafoetida Linn. (syn. F. foetida Regel).


Part used: Oleo-gum resin.


Uses: Used in chronic bronchitis, colic, dyspepsia, flatulence, hysteria, tympanitis, infantile, convulsions, indigestion and whooping cough and as stimulant to the brain, nervous and gastric systems. It is employed in the preparation of large number of drugs important among them being Yograja gugglu; Heengaastaka churna, Karanjaadi yoga, Rajaparvratni vati, Rosana vati, etc.




  1. Terminalia chebula Retz.


Part used: Fruit.


Uses: considered quite effective in eryseplas, colitis, laryngites, enlargement of liver and spleen and abdominal diseases. It is one of the ingredients of ‘ Triphala’ and is employed in a large number of drug formulations, some of which are Abhyarishta, Aarogyavarhini, chandraprabha vati, Karanyaadi yoga, Gokshuraddi guggulu, etc.




  1. Nyctanthes arbor- tristis Linn.


Part used: Leaves and flowers.


Uses: Leaves antibilious, expectorant, given in fevers, rheumatism, leaf extract in sciatica and used as cholagogue, laxative, diaphoretic, diuretic, given to children to expel worms. Also antiseptic and detergent, useful for washing/ polishing wood and ivory items.


Flowers stomachic, carminative, anstringent to the bowels, lessen inflammation, a tonic at hair; buds as tonic.




  1. Cuscuta reflexa Roxb.


Part used: Whole herb.


Uses: Plant acrid, astringent, aphrodisiac, anthelmintic, purgative, diaphoretic, diuretic, alternative, tonic, useful in diseases of eyes, heart and in biliousness. Plant also possess antiseptic properties and extract can be used as wash in sores.


Seeds carminative, alternative, astringent, sedative, emmengogue, diuretic and useful diseases of liver and spleen. They form one of the ingredients in the preparation of a purgative medicine ‘Kasus’ sold in Punjab.




  1. Artemisia maritime Linn.


Part used: Whole shrub.


Uses: Plant anthelmintic, aphrodisiac, deobstruent, diuretic, emmenagogue expectorant, stimulant, stomachic and tonic. Useful in expulsion of intestinal worms and effective in intermittent fever. Flowers yields commercial santonin, which is used internally against worms. Leaf infusion useful in intermittent fever and bark is antiseptic.




  1. & Curcuma zedoaria (Berg.) Rosc.


Part used: Rhizome.


Uses: Rhizome cooling, diuretic, antiseptic, applied to pains and cuts; a medicine in throat troubles. Its water paste applied on swellings, insect repellent. Employed in dug formulations prescribed in piles, epilepsy, spleenic disorders, difficult breathing and diseases caused by morbidity. Karchoora taila is the major Ayurvedic preparation.




  1. Kaempferia galanga Linn.


Part used: Rhizome.


Uses: Rhizome stimulant, expectorant, carminative, diuretic; used for gargling in extract form, with honey in cough; its decoction in dyspepsia, headache, malaria; roasted rhizome in powder in rheumatism, analgesic, in ripening of tumors, as wash in dandruff, in irritation due to insect bite.


Rhizomes are aromatic with camphoraceous odour and also in purifying the enviroment from microbes and flavoring rice.




  1. Cinnamomum camphora (Linn.) J.S.Presl.


Part used: Leaves.


Uses: Plant is sedative, antiseptic, diaphoretic, anthelmintic, stimulant, carminative. Leaves yield camphor oil and Japan Camphor oil and Japan Camphor. The oil is used in medicine and applied externally in toothache, in rheumatic pains, muscular strains, itching of skin, in the manufacture of well-known Ayurvedic medicine- Amritdhara. Camphor crystals in medicine and perfumery.




  1. Pyrus pashia Buch.-Ham. Ex D.Don


Part used: fruit pulp.


Uses: Fruit edible when ripe and used in digestive disorders.




  1. Anogeissus latifolia Wall.


Part used: Root.


Uses: Roots pungent, acrid, stomachic, increases biliousness, plant parts used collectively in snake bite. Bark bitter, astringent and contain good quality tannin, gum good substitute to gum Arabic.



  1. Micromeria biflora Buch.- Ham. Ex D. Don


Part used: Whole herb.


Uses: Plant is good for treating wound s of cattle. Flavour of crushed leaves in healed in cold and sinsusitis and extrat of leaves with milk given in gastroenteritis.




  1. Verbascum thapsus linn.


Part used: Roots Leaves. Flowers & seeds.


Uses: Roots febrifuge.


Leaves demulcent, applied in pectorol complaints, in piles, sub burns; dried leaves smoked in asthma, spasmodic, cough, nasal congestion, respiratory troubles; extract heart stimulant, syrup in cough.


Flowers: Dried flowers given in ringworm infection.


Seeds aphrodisiac, narcotic, used as fish poison; essential oil from seeds antibacterial and applied in ear diseases.


The whole herb is used in the treatment of diarrhoea, pulmonary disease of cattle.




  1. Pholidota articulata Lindley


Part used: Whole herb.


Uses: Whole herb used as tonic.




  1. Malaxis acuminata D. Don (syn. Microstylis wallichii Lindley)


Part used: Bulbs.


Uses: Bulbs are used in bronchitis as well as given as tonic.




  1. Valeriana hardwickii Wall.


Part used: Aerial part.


Used: Aerial parts used in making perfumed powder and hair preparations. Rots and rhizome are used as substitute to V. Jatamansi as one of the ingredient in the preparation of Ayruvedic medicines such as Sudarshana churna, Pippaliyasav, Dasanga lepa, etc. Essential oil for flavoring beers, tobacco, etc.




  1. Leucas cephalotus (Roth.) Spreng.


Part used: All plant parts.


Uses: Plant used as stimulant, diaphoretic, laxative, anthelminitic, antiseptic and insecticidal besides antidote to snake bite.


Leaves- crushed leaves applied on scropion sting.


          Flowers- Syrup form the flowers used as remedy in cough and cold.


          Seeds yield medicinal oil and also used as illuminant.




  1. Delphinium denudatum Wall. Ex Hook. F. & Thoms.


Part used: Root.


Uses: Roots stimulant, alterative, tonic & used in toothache; Root paste used in snake- bite; scropin sting and sometimes also used as adultrant for Aconite roots.




  1. Butea monosperma (Lam.) Taub. (syn. B. frondosa Koen.ex. Roxb.)


Part used: flowers.


Uses: Flowers diuretic and yield a yellow dye which is antiseptic, depurative. The dried petals are known as Khesula in Rajasthani and are mixed with alum and used for dye, which is brilliant yellow.




  1. Cassia tora Linn.


Part used: Seed.


Uses: Useful in various kinds of skin diseases, especially in cheloid tumours, ringworm and psoriasis. An oil medicated with Chandramarda is effective for scrofula. The main Ayurvedic drug preparation is Dadrughani vati.




  1. Bergenia ciliata (Haw.) Sternb. Forma ligulata (syn. B ligulata (wall.) Engl. Saxifraga ligulata Wall.)


Part used: Rhizome.


Uses: Employed as an ingredient of drug formulation used in dissolving kidney and bladder stones (nephroa and Cisto lithiasis) leucorrhoea, piles and pulmonary affections. The main preparations are Paashaanbhedaadi kwatha Passhaabhedaadi ghrit and Haritakyadi kwatha.




  1. Bambusa arundinacea Willd. (syn. B. bambos Druce)


Part used: Silicous concretion.


Uses: Tabashir/ Bansalocham -contains chloin, betain, nuclease, urease, proteloytic enzyme. Being rich in calcium, it is given to pregnant mothers and children. The main preparation in which it is used as one of the ingredient are Sitopaladi churna, Candraprabha vati, Talisadya churna and Sudarsan churna.




  1. Polygonatum verticilatum (Linn.) All.


Part used: Root.


Used: Plant diuretic, high doses toxic. Root is eaten as salep and its powder is given in gastric complaints; paste applied on wounds.




  1. Alstonia scholaris (Linn.) R. Br.


Part used: Stem bark.


Uses: Considered useful in malarila fever, respiratory diseases, chronic diarrhoea and advance stages of dyesentry. Employed as one of the ingredients in Saptaparnasatvaadi vati, Saptacchadadi kwatha, Septacchadadi taila, etc.




  1. Polygala arvensis Willd. (syn. P.chinensis auct. Non.L.)


Part used: Whole herb.


Uses: Plant decoction given in paralysis. Leaf infusion in asthma, chronic bronchitis, catarrhal affections. Roots febrifuge, antiseptic, given in fever and dizziness.




  1. Thalictrum foliolosum DC.


Part used: Rhziome and roots.


Uses: Rizome and roots yield a valuable medicine employed in extract form as diuretic, antiperiodic, aperient, purgative, bitter tonic, Powder in ophtalmia, in atonic dyspepsia; root juice in cataract and also in colic and fever. Pilijari is also used as substitute for actul Mamiri (Coptis teeta Wall.)  




  1. Blepharis edulis Pers.


Part used: Seed.


Uses: Seeds attenuant, resolvent, diuretic, aphrodisiac, expectorant, and deobstruent. Also used as a medicine for sour eyes and good for disease of the blood, lungs and liver.




  1. Lavandula stoechas Linn.


Part used: Essential oil from flowering top (Inflorescence).


Uses: Essential oil used in perfumery, in making fumigating powder, in colic & chest affections and nervous headche, moth repellent; flowers fomentation in hot water given relief in rheumatic and neuralgic pains.




  1. Aloe vera Tourn. Ex L. (syn. A. barbadensis Mill).


Part used: Whole plant.


Uses: Plants stomachic, purgative, emmenagogue, anthelmintic, useful in c piles and sectal fissures.


Leaf juice cathartic, cooling and in fever, pulp in menstrual suppressions.


          Roots in colic pains.


Main preparations made from it is are Kumarjasav, kumari vati, kumarika vati, Rajapravarttini vati and kumaripak.




  1. Althea officinalis Linn.


Part used: Whole plant.


Uses: Roots contain mucilage and employed in making absorbent pills and also demulcent, emollient.


          Leaves antiseptic and used in the preparation of ointment.


          Flower infusion in bronchitis.


Seeds suppurative and emollient, analgesic, good in lumbago, earache and inflammation of the breast, prescribed in cough and irritable conditions of intestine and bladder.




  1. Malva sylvestris Linn.


Part used: Whole herb.


Uses: Herb is demulcent, cooling, antiseptic, emollient, given in pulmonary and urinary troubles, as external applicant in wound inflammations.


Flowers and uripe fruits given in whooping cough.


Leaf extract prescribed to stimulate uterus and intestines.




  1. Matricaria chamomilla Linn.


Part used: Flowers head called “Caamomile”


Uses: Flowers heads are the drug called Caamomile and used in B. P as substitute to Anthemis noblis. It is antispasmodic, expectorant, carminative, anthelmintic, sedative, diruetic, attenuant, given to children dentition troubles, stomach disorders, earache, neuralgic pains, convulsions, in constitutional debility, flatulent, colic hysteria, intermittent fevers; it in fusion emetic, tonic, febrifugic, antiseptic, antipholgestic; used in hair wash, cleaning wounds, in irritant eczema, sores, cuts, haemorrhoids.


Caamomile oil most effective in flatulence and colic troubles and applied externally in rheumatism.




  1. Costus speciosus (Koenig.) sm.


Part used: roots & rhizome.


Uses: Roots bitter, astringent, purgative, depurative, stimulant, anthelmintic, useful in snake bite, Rhizome juice applied on head for cooling, droped in ear to relieve ache. Its oil also applied on head in giddiness. Crushed rhizome with cow is taken in dysentery. Rhizome powder is taken orally with water in indigestion and also for deworming intestinal track. Rhizome is also eaten as a general tonic and made into pickle.




  1. Ecipta alba (Linn.) Hassk. (syn. E. prostrata Linn).


Part used: Whole herb.


Uses: Useful in hepatic and splenic enlargement, liver cirrhosis, anaemia and loss of appetite. Employed as an ingredient in drug formulations prescribed in liver diseases & in the oil based hair tonics. The main preparations are Bhringarajaadi churna; Sadaavindu taila, Bhiringaraja taila and Bhringaraja Ghria.




  1. Pueraria lobata (Willd.) Ohwi. (Phaseolus trilobus Ait.)


Part used: Leaves.


Uses: Leaves tonic, sedative, given in calaplasms for weak eyes; its decoction in irregular fever.




  1. Teramnus labaialis Spreng.


Part used: Whole herb.


Used: The herb is used in rheumatism, turberculosis, nervous affections, haemoptysis, and catarrh.


Leaves antiperiodic and used as blood purifier besides as a cover crop for green manure.


Fruit astringent, stomachic, and febrifugic.




  1. Asclepias curassavica Linn.


Part used: Aerial part/ leaves.


Uses: the plant is prescribed in physthesis, Leaf juice sudorific and antheminitic.




  1. Aristolochia indica Linn.


Part used: Root & leaves


Uses: Much esteemed for the cure of intermittent fevers and bowl affection of children at teething period. Also recommended in atonic type of dyspepsia. Roots tonic, stimulant, emetic, in fevers, in powder form in leucoderma. Also yield essential oil with traces of camphor used in making ointment Lef juice in snake bite.




  1. Pavonia odorata Willd.


Part used: Root.


Uses: Roots aromatic, refrigerent, antipyretic, stomachic, astringent, given in dysentery, inflammations, haemorrhages of intestne. Roots essential oil in cosmetics.




  1. Arnica Montana Linn.


Part used: Whole herb.


Uses: Plant stimulant, sedative and resolvent. Rehizome and flowers yield an essential oil employed in joint pains.


Root tincture as hair tonic and to allay pains due to cut. Homeopathic medicine is prepared form roots treating sprains, injuries and rheumatism.




  1. Smilax ovalifolia Roxb.


Part used: Root.


Uses: Roots are very effective in curing venereal diseases; applied in rhumatic swellings; given in dysentery and urinary complaints.




  1. Lepidium sativum Linn.


Part used: Seeds.


Uses: Seeds rubifacient, galacgogue, emmenagogue, laxative, aphrodisiac, diuretic; seed mucilage a substitute to tragacanth gum Arabic, eaten, tonic, allays colic pains and in industry.




  1. Nelumbo nucifera Gaertn.


Part used: Stamens.


Uses: Stamens cooling, aphrodisiac, diuretic, astringent, useful in burning sensation of the body, bleeding piles and menorrhagia.





  1. Nymphaea alha Linn (syn.Nymphaea stellata Willd.var. alba)


Part used: Flowers.


Uses: The flowers are reputed to be antiaphrodisiac, infusion of flowers diaphoretic and used in stomach disorders.




  1. Salvia officinalis Linn.


Part used: Leaves.


Uses: Infusion of leaves as gargle in sore throat, antipyretic, in female disorders, dried leaves as fumitory; rubbed on teeth as dentifrice, poultice as hair tonic.




  1. Parmelia pelata (Huds.) Ach.


Part used: Whole plant.


Uses: Prescribed in the treatment of dyspepsia, induration of the uterus, amenorrhoea, calculi and nocturanal spermatic discharges. Main preparation is Charilla churna.



  1. Tamarix troupii Hole (syn. T gallica Dyer)


Part used: Leaf galls.


Uses: leaf galls anstringent; decoction in the treatment of foul ulcers, given in diarrhoea, dysentery; infusion as gargle in sore throat; gall powder in oil for ointment in the treatment of ulcers, wounds, piles, and fissures, etc.




  1. Uraria lagopodioides Desv.


Part used: Root and sometimes the whole plant.


Uses: Uses in intermittent fever, chest inflammations; leaf extract in diarrhea, aboirtifacient; substitute to Dabra and used as one of the ingredient in the preparation Amritarista and Sutika dasmoola




  1. Prunus mahaleb Linn.


Part used: Seed.


Uses: Kernal oil in medicine form for messaging, in liquor industry for perfuming.


Leaves and stem insecticides; Fruits bitter with strong pleasant smell, tonic to brain.



  1. Stereospermum chelonoides (Linn.f.) DC. (syn. S. Suaveloens DC.)


Part used: All parts.


Uses: Roots employed in drug formulations given in intermittent fevers, inflammatory affections of chest and brain, dropsy and dyspepisa. The main preparations are Dasamooladi kwatha, Panchmuladi kwatha; Patali taila and Pataladi kwatha. It constitute one of the ingredient of the Dasamool and panchmool drugs of Ayruveda.



  1. Nardostachys grandiflora DC. (syn. N. jatamansi DC.)


Part used: Rhizome.


Uses: Employed as an ingredient in drug formulations given in epilepsy, hysteria, coryza, convulsions, palpitation of heart and mental disorders. The main preparations re Mansadi kwhatha; pippaliyasav, Rakshoghna ghrit, Dasnaga lepai and Laghu vis garva taila.




  1. Illicium verum Hook.f.


Part used: Fruits.


Uses: Fruits aromatic, stimulant and carminative. Seeds oil as ingredient in cough drops, used in rheumatic pains, otalgia and as antiseptic flavoring purpose for edible dishes n bakery, soap manufacture, etc.




  1. Phyllanths fratuernus Webst. (syn. P niruti Hook. F.)


Part used: whole herb.


Uses: Herb astringent, deobstruent, sotmachic, diuretic, febrifugic, antiseptic, useful in stomach troubles, dyspepsia, colic diarrhoea, dysentery, given in dropsy, urinogential diseases; roots very effective in water as poultice for ulcers and stem and leaf yields a black dye, possess antibacterial property.




  1. Helicteres isora Linn.


Part used: Root.


Uses: Root expectorant, demulcent, anstringent and antigalactagogue. Root extract in dog bite and decoction applied on cuts and wounds. Root juice useful in dysentry and diarrhoea.




  1. Eucalyptus globules Labill.


Part used: Leaves.


Uses: Leaf tincture in asthma, phthisis. Leaf oil used in medicine, insect repellent, in the preparations f disinfectants, as cleaning agents in boilers, as expectorant, stimulant, nausea, and applied in muscular pains.




  1. Colchicum speciosum Stev.


Part used: Corm.


Uses: Corms acrid and narcotic, sudorfic, emetic, diuretic and drastic purgative and also applied externally in inflammations.




  1. Saccharum officinarum Linn.


Part used: Root.


Uses: Roots demulcent, cooling, diuretic, and root juice useful in debility.




  1. Gaultheria fragarntissima Wall.


Part used; Leave oil.


Uses: Oil used in medicine as a flavouring agent and base oil, stimulant, carminative, antiseptic, ointments are prepared for applying on swollen joints, in sciatica and neuralgia, emulsion of it given in intestinal hook worm infection. Leaves chewed in mouth sores.




  1. Boswellia serrata Roxb.


Part used; Oleo-fum resin.


Uses: Employed in the drug formulations used in the treatment of ulcers, cystic breast, piles, skin diseases, diarrhoea and dysentery. Recently, the defalled extract of the gum exudates was found to possess antiarhritic activity.




  1. Boswellia carteri Birdw.


Part used: Oleo-resin.


Uses: Kunduru gum is used as substitute for Indian olibanum (Salai Gonda) and uses are same as that of the oleo- gum resin obtained from Boswellia serrata Roxb.




  1. Cyndon dactylon (Linn) Pers.


Part used: Root.


Uses: Root decoction in dropsy and secondary syphilis; root infusion in bleeding piles and in gleet; rhizomes in genito urinary disorders.


Main preparations are Durvadi kwatha, Durvadi ghrita and Durvadi taila.




  1. withania coagulans Dunal


Part used: Fruit.


Uses: The berries possess good coagulating property, rich in enzymes, essential oil anthelmintic, fruit sweet, sedative, emetic, alternative, diuretic, given in chronic liver complaints, dyspepsia, flatulence and colic infection.




  1. Rubia sikkimensis Kurz.


Part used: Root.


Uses: A low degree substitute to Rubia manjith Roxb. Ex Fleming which is used for closuring garments, wool, hairs, etc. Besides as an ingredient in the formulation of drugs in place of Manjeth.




  1. Pueraria tuberosa DC.


Part used: Stem tubers.


Uses: Tubes aphrodisiac, galactagogue, diuretic, alternatives. The freshly cut tuber of this plant exudes milky white sap. It is used as an ingredient of a number of tonics and aphrodisiac drug formulations including Chayavanprash.




  1. Decalepis hamiltonii Wt. & Arn.


Part used: Root.


Uses: Roots used as blood purifier, appetiser, edible, pickled. It is used in South India as substitute for Hemidesmus indicus R .Br. ( Anantamool”) in formulations of Ayruvedic drugs.




  1. Pluchea lanceolata (DC.) Clarke


Part uses: Leaves.


Uses: Leaves aperient.




  1. Pluchea lanceolata (DC.) Clarke


Part used: Root.


Uses: Employed in drug formulations given in rheumatism and neuralgic disorders, especially in sciatica. The major preparations are Rasna saptak kwatha, Mahamash taila, Rasna panchak kwatha, Kukuvadi churna, maha yograguglu and samirpanaga.




  1. Mucuna pruriens (Linn.) DC. Syn. Mucuna prurita Hook).


Part used: Root.


Uses: Root paste in oil for preparing ointments for elephantiasis; root extract in honey in cholera; root is given in dysentery, uterine trouble, diseases of nervous system and facial paralysis.




  1. Lawsonia inermis Linn.


Part used: Seed.


Uses: Emmenagogue; seed oil as lubricant and used in the prepration of insecticides and disinfectants.




  1. Dioscorea bulbifera Linn.


Part used; Tubers


Uses: Tubers bitter, pungent, fattening, tonic, alterative, aphrodisiac, stomachic, anthelmintic, improves appetite and complexion; useful in dyspepsia, urinary discharges, leucoderma, bronchitis. Tubers edible after cooking; dried tubers antiseptic and used in cleaning wounds, in piles, syphilis.




  1. Argyreia roxburghii Chosiy


Part used: Seed.


Uses: Seeds are commonly used as substitute for Argyreia nervosa (Burm. F.) Boj seeds.




  1. Argyreia roxburghii Chosiy


Part used: Root.


Uses: Roots are the common substitute for Argyeria nervosa (Burm) Boj roots in the preparation Ayruvedic drugs.




  1. Leptadenia reticulata (Retz.) Wt. & Am. (syn. Gymnema aurantiacum)


Part used: Root.


             Uses: Useful in the diseases of ear and nose, skin affections, general debility and for increasing milk in cattle. The material is used as ingredient of Sudarshan churan, Chyavnpraasha and some veterinary drug formulations.




  1. Tylophora indica (Burm. F.) Merill (syn. T. asthmatica Wt. & Am.)


Part used: Roots and leaves.


Uses: Roots are used as stimulant, emetic, cathartic, expectorant, stomachic, diaphoretic, given in asthma, bronchits, whooping cough, dysentery, diarrhoea, rheumatic and gouty pains, roots bacteriostatic, leaves as substitute to Ipecae, dried leaves toxic, leaves very effective I bronchial asthma.



  1. Mammea suriga (Buch.- ex Roxb.) Kosterm. (syn. Ochrocarpus        tongifolius Benth & Hook. F.ex. T. Anders.


Part used: Flowers buds.


Uses: The flower buds are astrigent, aromatic, flowers stimulant, carminative, given in dyspepsia and haemorrhoids and their essential oil as lubricant.



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